Forced Date Night

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Bucky was having one of those days. A day where he couldn't make it out of bed, the day he couldn't eat anything except for gum, a day where he laid on his side of the bed and wanted to disappear. Steve didn't figure this out though. He usually did but it was a special day for the both of them, it wasn't their anniversary but today was the day they were going on a date, to a nice fancy restaurant to be specific. Steve was doing his hair in the bathroom all ready while Bucky was still in the bed laying there with his head buried in his pillow. Steve walked in the room hoping to see Bucky ready but he saw the opposite.

"Come on buck we have to get going our reservation is at 6:30 (it was 5:00)"

Bucky lifted his head from the pillow still laying down and he looked at Steve all ready for the date they have been planing for a month now.

"Steve I can't today..." Bucky sounded exhausted he barely spoke above a whisper to Steve

"What do you mean you can't today. We've been planing this for a while now you have an outfit in the closet." He didn't sound worried at all if anything he sounded like he was about to get angry.

"I know love.. l'm just really tired and besides today is just hard..." he sounded like he was about to cry he knew Steve was excited for this date but it felt like his body weighed him down on the bed. He felt terrible that he had to tell Steve that he didn't want to go on the date.

Steve was getting frustrated this would be the 4th time this month Bucky has bailed out on something just because he was "having a bad day".

"Come on you'll feel better once you get ready I don't want to be late." He sounded frustrated and looked like it too.

At that moment Bucky turned over looking away from Steve and he started to cry silently. Then Alpine jumped on the bed and sat next Bucky to make him feel better Bucky lifted his arm a little and started petting alpine.

"If you can pet that damn therapy cat you can get ready for our date. Do you know how hard I try to make you happy? I buy you books and that cat and bring you hot chocolate whenever we have it and I can't even get a simple date in return? That's not fair. I try everyday just to get you out of that bed and you don't seem grateful at all. Some husband you are." With that Steve stormed out of there room slamming the door shut a bit to hard.

Bucky flinched from the loud sound and he started to cry more. Alpine licked his tears away and comforted him.

With Steve

He went into the common room where everyone was chilling and doing their own thing when it was obvious Steve was in a bad mood.

"You okay captain?" Thor questioned as he put two pop tarts in the toaster.

The others looked at Steve for a response

"No I'm really not." He stated letting out a sigh

"What's wrong dont you and Bucky have a date tonight?" Sam questioned since he knew about the plans

"Yeah we do it's just that Bucky is being difficult right now" he said in annoyance

"What do you mean he's being difficult?" Wanda questioned she knew about Bucky having bad days and she felt that was the issue.

"He says "it's a hard day" but he hasn't done anything today all he did was stay in bed and read and pet his cat." He sounded frustrated talking about it

Sam was about to say something but then everyone looked behind Steve. Steve looked at them confused and looked behind him and Bucky was standing there. He was wearing a suit and his hair was done. His face wasn't red anymore from the crying.

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