Listen to me

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Steve and Bucky have been happily married for 1 year now their anniversary was only last week and they were lovey dovey all day. But of course there are things to be done and so Nick Furry had put Bucky on a mission. Alone. Bucky had never been alone on a mission since Hydra was still trying to take him but everybody else had missions to accomplish especially Steve. It was the day of the mission and Bucky was getting ready when Steve snuck up behind him.

"I can hear you, you know" Bucky said nonchalantly fixing up his arm.

"Yeah I know" Steve grinned and he hugged Bucky from behind and laid his head on his lovers shoulder.

Steve felt his stomach drop when he saw the ear buds that was on the table.

"What are those for?" He questioned already guessing the answer in his head.

"In case they use those trigger words" he said nonchalantly putting them in one of his pockets. He turned around and hugged Steve.

"I'll be back soon ok" he let go and looked at Steve in the eyes. "I won't get myself in a pickle or anything,I'll stay safe and I won't do anything stupid." Bucky spoke knowing that his husband was panicking on the inside.

"You promise?" Steve asked trusting Bucky that he would keep his word.

"Of course" Bucky kissed steve in his head then on his lips. " I'll be back soon no more then 4 hours" Bucky gave him one more hug and left.

Hours had gone by and Steve and everyone else had finished their mission but Bucky was still out on his. Steve was panicking pacing back and forth in the common room the group shared waiting for him.

"Calm down Steve he's gonna be back soon" Sam said trying to calm his friend down. The others agreed and tried to make Steve calm down but nothing worked.

"You don't get it Hydra is there! H-he said no more than 4 hours it's been 7! He's in danger we have to go find him!" Steve yelled in full blown panic starting to tear up at the fact that Hydra could have taken his husband away again.

Nick walked into the room and immediately knew that Steve was panicking. "Calm down Captain he's gonna be fine maybe he got distracted or something" he said in his normal unbothered tone.

After many attempts to calm Steve down it worked and everyone went to bed. Steve was tossing and turning all night scared of where his husband was until he got a call.

AN: sorry I haven't written in a while I have been studying a lot since tomorrow I have to start taking Regents but I'll write whenever I have the time.

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