He's different pt.2

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T.W: Abuse (physical and emotional)

Steve was still being a jerk to bucky by hurting his feelings and belittling him and everything that he does. He stopped be affectionate to bucky too. Whenever bucky would go in for a hug or kiss Steve would just move out the way. Saying how he wasn't in the mood for "lovey dovey crap." To bucky he thought that this was all because of stress. Stress from missions and other superhero things so he thought it would be a good idea to make him a nice big home cooked meal. Steve was working out in the avengers gym so that meant Bucky had their small apartment in the tower all to himself. He made bread spaghetti and even dessert. When Steve came home and saw the meal he was pissed for some reason. He started an argument with Bucky that why would he do all this knowing that Steve had to go straight to bed for a mission tomorrow.

"Are you trying to make me feel bad? What's your point for all of this." Steve nearly growled in anger

"I-I thought it would be a nice little dinner date for us..I know you have-"

"You don't know anything! You don't know a single thing I go through everyday! What makes you think you know what I'm going through when you don't even remember your family that much!" Steve yelled and not regretting a single word.

Now that hurt buck. He froze for a second as those words sunk into his skin. How could he say such a thing?

"Y-you know what I've been through Steve..you know they erased my mind.." he whined tears starting to form into his eyes.

"It's not my fault you fell off that train! That's your fault! If you weren't so weak you could've pulled yourself up! He shouted and that's when Bucky started to cry. Tears falling down his cheeks onto the cold tile floor.

"Really tears. You're so emotional! You're the most unstable person I've ever met! All you do is whine and cry about how you don't remember your life and how you think the Avengers hate you yet you do nothing to fix it. Pull yourself together and TRY. THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO STOP BEING SO WEAK!" He shouted and yelled

"You have no idea what I'm going through! You don't think I try?! I try everyday to remember my past and try to make friends with the Avengers I'm sorry okay?! I'm sorry I'm not perfect for you! He balled now crying even more.

For some reason this didn't stop Steve this only made him more irritated. He went up to Bucky face to face and slapped him across the face. It happened so fast that Bucky didn't have time to react he just stood there the stinging of the slap filling his whole left cheek. Steve used his right hand to grab Bucky's bottom chin forcing him to look at him. Steve's eyes were dark. You knew something was wrong with him. Something had to be wrong with him the real steve would never do such a thing.

"You're pathetic. I hope you know that James." Steve spoke in an emotionless tone with nothing but anger and disgust in his voice. He moved his hand down to Bucky's neck and squeezed. At first it hurt but not enough for him to stop breathing but then Steve squeezed more. And more. Buckys hands went up to Steve and he tried to pull himself away but Steve didn't budge.

"Say it James."

"S-say what" he chocked out now gasping for air

"That you're pathetic." He growled

"I-I'm pathetic.." he repeated using all the strength he could to talk and with that Steve let him go and Bucky fell down onto his knees gasping for air and coughing. Steve didn't say anything and he just went off to bed.

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