Movie theater

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It was 1931. Steve didn't have to super serum yet and him and Bucky were living together. Steve was in the living room drawing some plants on the paper since Bucky was out doing, well he didn't know Bucky said it was a surprise. Steve continued to entertain himself when he heard the door open. He rushed over and hugged Bucky having missed him all day while he was gone.

"Wow someone has definitely missed me" the brunette teased as he hugged back and kissed him on the cheek.

"Where were you what were you doing you didn't fight anyone right?" Steve quickly questioned worry on what his boyfriend was doing.

" oh nothing just got us these" Bucky cooed as he lifted his right hand showing Steve 2 Frankenstein tickets.

"You got us tickets!" Steve yelled happily since he has been wanting to watch the movie since it came out.

" of course I did I love to see you happy honey" the brunette stated as he planted a kiss on Steve's head.

"Let's start getting ready we don't want to be late" he giggled still kissing all over Steve's face.

The couple got ready and as soon as they walked out the door they couldn't hold hands,they couldn't kiss,they couldn't even look at the other in a certain way. They had to hide what they were to each other so they wouldn't get jumped.Well mostly Steve since he was so skinny and scrawny. And besides Bucky would go to jail for hurting the person who hurt Steve.

When they got to the movie theater they got their popcorn and sat down in the center of the theater. As soon as the lights deemed down they held hands the entire time while the movie was playing. Steve was paying attention to the movie,his eyes shining from the bright screen and fully interested on what was happening. Bucky wasn't paying attention to the movie at all. He was looking at Steve memorized at his beautiful lover, he was happy that he was able to get these tickets for Steve. Sure he now couldn't eat as much since he had no money left, but he would do anything for Steve. Anything to make him happy. Just seeing Steve smile will make Bucky happy for hours on end.

When the movie finished and they were on their way home Steve was talking about the movie and how amazing it was, he talked about the characters and character designs and everything. Bucky listened happily knowing that his lover was happy that they were able to see the movie.

"How did you get the money for this anyway Bucky?" Steve questioned while looking at him "didn't you say you didn't have any money"

"I have my ways" Bucky stated and leaving it at that.

When they got home they made dinner ate,took showers and went to bed. Bucky scooped Steve into his chest and cuddled with him the whole night. He was glad Steve didn't know how he made some money. The truth is that he worked more hours, a lot more hours at work. He helped neighbors out with their house for a cost. He even did two things he wasn't proud of. But it's in the past now. Steve was happy that's all that mattered to Bucky.

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