Bucky tells his past

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Bucky had changed. He changed a lot after he was the winter soldier. He was quite,shy, and always nervous. The Bucky in the 40's wasn't shy or quite he made friends easily and only got nervous if Steve was about to do something stupid. Steve knew this he had spent his whole childhood with Bucky so now that he was completely different it was hard on both of them. Especially when it came to going out in public or hanging out with the other avengers.

Steve was fixing his hair in front of the bathroom mirror and Bucky was still laying down on the bad they shared still in his pajamas. Steve walked into the room expecting Bucky to be ready but he obviously wasn't.

"Come on buck it's not gonna be that bad we're just gonna play some board games and maybe watch a movie im sure the team doesn't hate you." Steve stated hoping that was enough to make Bucky get ready.

"You don't get it Steve.." Bucky spoke badly about a whisper he curled himself into a ball.

"What don't I understand,tell me please" Steve asked nearly as low as a whisper.he sat down at the edge of the bed near Bucky.

"I killed Tony's parents..I nearly killed Natasha..I almost hurt Sam as well...." He chocked out in a whisper. He was starting to cry.

"That wasn't you Bucky..it was the Winter Soldier you had no control..you were brainwashed..they understand that.." Steve said as he uncovered the blanket covering buckys face and moved his long hair out of the way to kiss his forehead.

"Can we at least try I'll stay near you the whole time you can bring you're noise canceling headphones if it gets to loud and whenever you want to go we could." Steve said

"Mm..okay I'll get ready." He sat up and wiped his unwanted tears away from his face. He then got up and got ready he only put on a long sleeve shirt then a hoodie and some jeans.

"You got you're headphones?" Steve asked as he went towards the door.

"Yeah I'm ready" he followed Steve downstairs into the common room in the avengers tower and stood behind him.

Steve greeted everyone and Bucky did too behind Steve in a shy whispering tone. Everyone seemed chill and not bothered at the fact Bucky was there except for Tony. He hated Bucky for killing his parents and even though he didn't say anything the glare he gave Bucky said it all. Bucky saw this and put his head down ashamed for what he had done to Tony's life.

Everyone was playing monopoly except for Bucky since he didn't know how to play but he watched Steve since they were next to each other. After about a hour of playful arguing and just pure chaos the game brings to friends and family they decided to play a game of things they would do if they could.

Natasha - I would make everyone have a cat.

Clint - I would play Mario cart with my kids without them beating me all the time.

Vision - I would be a normal man

Everybody was saying sweet and funny things and then it got to be Tony's turn. He was a little drunk and still very pissed at Bucky for what the Winter Soldier.

"I would kill the person who killed my parents" he said in a bitter and furious tone while looking Bucky straight in the eyes.

Everyone had gone silent and just looked at Tony and Bucky.

"Really Tony we've been over this before Bucky is a good person." He sounded annoyed at the fact Tony was mad at Bucky but it was understandable. He had to see the person who killed his parents everyday and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Im really sorry Mr.Stark...I didn't want to kill them-

"SO THEN WHY DID YOU?! YOU CHOSE TO KILL MY MOTHER AND FATHER SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAD POWER" Tony yelled it even echoed a little in the quite room.

"I couldn't control myself..I was brainwashed and HYDRA made me there puppet.."

"Stop with the excuses! Steve told us that you were strong what happened after you fell off the Train huh?!"

"You really wanna know..you really want to know what they did me..?"

"Yeah. I do. Go on tell us what they did." Tony chuckled a little from him being drunk and his ego taking over him.

"After I fell off the train I hit a mountain and it ripped my arm off. After I woke up in snow with my left arm gone. I was too weak and Russian Soldiers knocked me out and took me to there HYDRA base. Then they toured me for 5 hours straight. Trying to get information on where Steve was and what the government was planning to do. Then Armin Zola experimented and toured me until I had lost my own control. He made me the Winter Soldier and whenever I would step out of line they would wipe me by electrocuting my head. I didn't like what I was doing but I couldn't control myself I'm sorry for all the bad things I've done especially killing you're parents. I know you hate me. I hate myself too.

Everyone was silent and all shocked. They never knew he had went through all of that not even Steve. Bucky never opened up about his past until now.

Tony now felt a little bad. Sure his hatred would never go away but he was sorry for treating Bucky so bad.

(I didn't mean for this to be so long but if you guys want a part 2 just say so in the comments hope you guys have a nice day :) )

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