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T.W - talk of self harm

It was a Friday night and the two soldiers were laying in bed in each others arms just cuddling. Steve was rubbing buckys back and he accidentally lifted Buckys shirt a little revealing a scar. Bucky immediately pulled his shirt down.

" me your scars.." Steve requested and brushed his fingers over buckys back.

"But why..?"the brunette questioned quietly flinched away from the soldiers touch by accident.

"I... I wanna see how many times you needed me..and I-I wasn't there..."

"Oh Steve...I can't do that to'll feel guilty..a-and I don't like how I look..."

"Please my love...let me see..I would never never judge you please..." Steve was practically begging he needed to know.

Bucky signed in defeat he got out of Steve's arms and he sat up on the bed. He pulled off his shirt revealing his bare chest and a lot of scars. He looked up at Steve with his puppy dog eyes ashamed on how he looked.

On the other hand steve was completely shocked and devastated. The man he loved more than anything had all these scars on him and it could've be stooped if Steve had found him sooner. Steve sat up and grazed his hand over all of Buckys scars. His eyes started to shine from the tears. Like sapphires under the moon.

"Do you want to know how I got them.." Bucky asked wiping a tear that fell from his lovers eyes.  Steve nodded in response.

Bucky held Steve Hand and guided it to a scar. It was white and bumpy it was on his right pectoralis major. " I got this one from the war..a bullet went into my chest.." Bucky then dragged Steve hand to another scar at his latissimus dorsi " I got this one from being tortured by hydra.. one of the guys kept a whip with him so he used it on him sometimes.." Another scar at his deltoid that one was red and he got it from his dad. "Me and my dad were arguing and so he threw a beer bottle at me." The worst scar was a long line down his chest. "Hydra did some surgery on me and that's the scar it left.

Steve traced every scar gently and looked up at his lover. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this.." he kissed him on the lips softly and pulled away. "Let me see the ones on your back.." he asked gently. "'s going to break you I can't-"
"Let me see the scars buck." Steve asked again but this time with force. "I can't do that Steve-" Steve had got a hold of Buckys arms turned him over and pinned him down on the bed his was up so Steve saw all the scars on his back.

Bucky heard Steve's breath stop for a second he started to hear whimpers coming from his husband. "I told shouldn't have seen these.."

Steve traced all the scars him with his hand. His whole back had slash marks and burns but the back of his right shoulder hurt the most. He was branded with the hydra symbol. Burned into his back never to go away.

"I'm so sorry my love..." he let go of Bucky and dropped to his side of the bed curling into a ball

Bucky went over and hugged him. "You don't have to be sorry for this Steve. You didn't know its not your fault." He kissed Steve cheek gently. Steve looked over and Buckys flesh arm to see scars all over them too. Some were even overlapping each other some were old and permanent some were new and healing. Steve held Buckys flesh arm. "How did you get these..?" Bucky sighed not bothering to lie or hide it, Steve was going to find out eventually. "I cut myself Steve.." he revealed starting to also cry.

"Oh Bucky.." that was Steve's breaking point now he couldn't control the tears falling from his eyes anymore he held onto Bucky tightly but not to tight. Bucky began to cry as well, they both ending up falling asleep from the crying.

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