Listen to me pt.4

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The next day Bucky was still recovering from the Anesthesia and Bruce had to change the bandage. Since Steve was next to him he saw the outcome of the surgery. And to be honest he was disgusted on how it looked.

There was scratch mark all around his ear and parts of flesh was missing or stitched trying to save the left over parts of his ear. There was many stitches that was definitely gonna cause more scars on Bucky. Bucky was holding Steve's hand hoping to get reassures but he got the opposite. Bucky saw how Steve was looking at him. He knew that Steve found him disgusting because of what he looks like now. And it hurt. Steve had enough of looking at the grotesque parts of his lovers face so he went to the bathroom and threw up.

It has now been about a month after Bucky ripped off his ears and Tony finally made a good pair of hearing aids for Bucky that fit well in his ears and worked wonderfully. Tony even made them a dark red and black Buckys favorite colors.

Bucky was getting ready in the bathroom brushing his shoulder length hair. He then put on his hearing aids and thankfully his hair covered his ears. Sadly Bucky grew insecure of his ears now feeling more of a freak first a prosthetic arm and now hearing aids he felt embarrassed by the way he looked. He put on a red long sleeve shirt that covered his metal arm well and black jeans and went downstairs where everyone was eating breakfast.

Bucky put two pancakes and some scrambled eggs in his plate and sat next to Steve.

"Do the hearing aids fit well? You asked while downing a pancake.

"Yeah they work really well thank you." Bucky thanked him

"WAIT YOU HAVE HEARING AIDS NOW?!" Peter Parker asked loudly like the mind blown kid he is.

"You do?!" Kate asked also excited to see if it was true.

Bucky simply nodded.

"Can we see them!" The young avengers asked excitedly hoping he would say yes.

"uh sure" Bucky said kinda shocked they wanted to see them he grabbed a hair band and tied his hair back into a ponytail showing his hearing aids.

"Wooahhh!" Peter gasped completely amazed.

"You look badass" Kate giggled and Peter automatically agreed.

Bucky felt warmth in his stomach he was proud and happy at the fact that people thought that he didn't look creepy. Then he felt hold his hand he looked to see who it was and it was Steve.

"You do look cool darling.  Steve spoke and kissed his metal hand.

Bucky simply smiled knowing that 1. Two younger people thought he didn't look scary and 2. Steve wasn't discussed by him.

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