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Summery: this is how Steve and Bucky become friends

Steve was one of those kids who always got sick and was very skinny no matter what because of this many kids at the school he went too picked on him and bullied him until September 10th of 1930 (so he's 10-11). It was recess when John and Alex thought it was be a good idea for them to jump Steve during recess but little did they know the new kid has some anger issues.

Steve was just chilling on the swings until John pushed him off and Alex made him stand up holding Steve arms behind his back so Steve couldn't move away.

"What do you want now John I already did all your homework." Steve said trying not to sound scared even though it was obvious he was

"Oh I just want you as my personal punching bag thats all. John said in a regular tone.

John moved him arm back ready to punch Steve but then out of no where a rock hit him right in the face causing him to fall down and his nose started to bleed. Alex lets go of Steve and goes over to John to see if he's okay they both look up behind Steve and start shaking a little.

Steve felt someone with a weird aura behind him so he looked back to see a taller brunette who was in better condition than he was in and he was holding another rock in his left hand.

"Why don't you pick on someone you're size punk!" The brunette yelled as he aims the rock to Alex.

Both of the boys run away in fear and everyone else in the playground who was watching goes back to playing.

"T-thanks for helping me out" the blond said in a happy tone.

"No problem you're Steve right?" The brunette questioned since he was still new to the school.

"Yup and you're James right"

"Mhm" the brunette nodded in response

"Well uh wanna be friends?" The blond questioned holding out his hand for a hand shake"

"Sure" the brunette said happily shaking Steve's hand in excitement.

Ever since that day James and Steve were very close always by each others side no matter what and always having each others backs.

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