Hoodie theif

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"Ugh where is it" Steve said a little frustrated. It's now been 10 minutes that Steve has been looking for his grey hoodie.

Steve went downstairs to the living room where all the avengers were at. Natasha and Clint were talking about Budapest,Tony and Bruce were talking about a new thing they made in the lab,vision and Wanda being all Lovey dovey in the corner and Thor trying to solve a Rubiks cube Tony threw at him.

"Have any of you guys seen my grey hoodie,you know the one I always wear here"

Everyone shook there head no and continued doing there thing. "Maybe it's in the washer?" Wanda said hoping that would help Steve. "Nah I already washed it" Steve turned around to go back into his room when he saw Bucky sitting in the corner eating a plum wearing a grey hoodie.

Steve went over and sat next to Bucky laying his head on his shoulder. "You know if you wanted to wear my hoodie you could have asked" he said teasing that his boyfriend stole his hoodie yet again.
"You were on a walk with Sam, I didn't want to bother you" Bucky answered. "You never bother me love" Steve said as he kissed buckys cheek. The brunette smiled and nuzzled into Steve.

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