Listen to me pt.2

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Listen to me

Steve immediately answered the phone hoping it was his husband telling him he was on his way home.

"Listen to me." The voice on the other side spoke but it wasn't Buckys voice it sounded like an old man with an accent.

"Who is this." Steve questioned firmly already getting nervous about what was happening.

"You are going to come to the abandoned bank near Central Park come alone."

"Who is this?!" Steve asked again only to hear someone yelling in the background. He knew that scream. That was Bucky.

The person hung up and immediately Steve got ready and started to run down the tower. He passed the kitchen to see Natasha and Bruce talking on couch with some cups of hot chocolate.

"You okay Steve? Why are in your suit?" Bruce questioned worried about his friend.

"I-it's Bucky h-he- captured(hic) bank" Steve rushed talking about what was going on making him more stressed.

"Hey hey calm down it's okay we'll help you want us to come?" Natasha spoke soft but firm.

"N-no have to go alone" Steve responded and left running out the tower.

"We're gonna follow him?" Bruce asked knowing Natasha was going to do it anyway.

"Obviously" she said getting up and leaving to go get ready.


The bank was run down with dirt and broken things everywhere he was a small light in a room down the hall so he went down there. He was about the enter the room but he heard crying and smelt blood he turned into the room to se Bucky on his knees covering his ears crying. There was blood and flesh on the floor near him and his hands were covered with blood. There was also a knife on the floor also covered in blood.

"Bucky!" Steve immediately knelt in front of Bucky and put his hands on his shoulders.

Bucky picked his head up still having his hands covering his ears.

"Steve!" Bucky yelled and threw himself onto of his husband.

"A-are you okay what did they do to you?" Steve questioned but he didn't respond

"Bucky? Please talk to me.." Steve asked again.

Steve pulled Bucky away a little looking him in the eyes and slowly put Buckys hands away from his ears.

"Steve's breath stopped in total shock of what his husband has done to himself. His ears were completely cut up and most of it were gone. That's why there was so much blood and skin on the floor.

"T-they tried to use the words..ear buds didn't work..I-I didn't want to become that monster again.." Bucky starting to wail in pain emotionally and physically

"Oh Bucky.." Steve's heart shattered he wasn't there for his husband and now his ears were gone he couldn't hear no more.

Steve picked up Bucky bridal style and turned around to see Alexander Pierce.

"You did this to him." Steve nearly growled filled with race at the pain his lover had to go through.

"He did that to himself is he had listened he would still have his ears. Pierce replied

"But he would have lost his mind. His control over himself." Steve fumed with rage he wanted to hurt him so badly maybe even kill him but he knew he couldn't because that would cause a political disaster.

"I just need the Winter Soldier back and I'll be on my way he's mine. Pierce demanded.

"He's not yours anymore! He's his own person with his own life."

At that point Pierce pulled out a small gun and aimed it at Steve's head and he didn't budge at all. Then out of nowhere BOOM a gunshot went off.

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