Dislocated arm

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I don't really like this one

It was in the middle of the night. Steve and Bucky were asleep until Steve heard the words he's been dreading to hear.

"Ready to comply."

Steve eyes shot up and looked over at Buckys side of the bed to see that he was up. But he was in a trance. Bucky sat up and got off the bed and started to walk to the weapon closet they had. Steve immediately got up after him and tackled him into the ground trying to stop him.

"Come on Bucky wake up! Your not the winter soldier anymore."

The Winter Soldier didn't listen. He kept trying to get out of Steve's grasp. Steve got an idea of what he could do but he didn't want to hurt Bucky. He then remembered what Bucky told him when they were reunited again.

"If I ever turn into the winter soldier again, don't hold back. Use as much force as you have to. I don't care if you break a bone just break me out of the trance."

So that's what Steve did. He disabled the metal making it fall to the ground and he kicked it to the other side of the room. But the winter soldier was still fighting so he dislocated his other arm.

He screamed in pain and then passed out. A few minutes later Bucky woke up in pain.

"W-what happened- what's going on" he gasped scared of what happened.

"You were in a trance again.. I listens to you..I had to stop you...I'm sorry.."

"I-it's ok just pop my arm back in place.."

And so Steve popped Buckys arm in place. He whined from the pain and went to the kitchen to get water. Steve followed with Buckys metal arm.

"Do you want your arm back on?" Steve asked holding the arm in front of him. Bucky shook his head no and sat on the counter spacing out into his thoughts. Steve noticed this so he put the arm down and went next to him.

"What's wrong..?" Steve asked as he held Buckys hand and rubbing his knuckles softly. Bucky only shrugged in response, whenever he was lost in thought he couldn't speak, well he could he just didn't want to.

"I'm sorry Steve...I guess I'm still broken.." Bucky mumbled

"Your not broken buck..it's gonna be okay."

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