He's different

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It was a Sunday during the summer time and Steve had a mission he had to
be on alone. Everything was fine when he left sure Bucky was kinda sad but he watched a Star Wars movies to keep him occupied. After about 7 hours he came back but he was a little different. When he came back into their room after he had changed he looked over at the TV and saw a Star Wars movie playing.

"Stars wars. Really? You know that shits for nerds or little kids right?" Steve scoffed in a cocky tone.

"But you said you liked it too?" Bucky responded confused and kinda hurt that his boyfriend would tell him that.

"I never liked it I just pretended so you wouldn't whine about me not spending time with you. " he shot back

"Oh..but if you didn't want to watch I would be fine with that..y-you don't have to fake things for me.." he expressed.

"Now I feel bad that I took up so much of your time.." he began to whine his eyes beginning to water.

"Oh please why are crying? He snapped "why do you cry about everything?! Jeez you're so sensitive." He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

At that moment Bucky tried all he could to stop crying but he only cried more. He reached out for Steve's arm but he just moved away.

"I have training to do I'll see you at dinner time." And with that Steve just left.

Bucky sat on their bed crying. Wondering why Steve was acting this way.Wondering why Steve never told him he didn't like Star Wars. He turned off the TV not wanting to see what caused what just happened and cried until it was dinner time.

At dinner time

All the Avengers sat at the long table in the common room they all shared in the Avengers tower. It was kinda an unspoken rule that they would all eat together since they have done it since Loki tried to take over the world. Bucky was the last one to sit at the table he was wearing a ghost hoodie (the band) with the Meliora cover art on it along with the ghost logo on the top left of the hoodie. He had his hood up trying to hide his face since it was still red and puffy from earlier. Luckily he was sitting next to Bruce so he didn't cause a scene. Instead he just leaned over to Bucky whispered.

"You okay Bucky?" He asked with genuine concern about his friend.

Bucky didn't nod he shook his head no and continued eating.

"You wanna talk about it in the lab after dinner?" Bruce whispered again

Bucky nodded and they continued eating their food. After dinner everyone left to their rooms or to do whatever and Bruce and Bucky went to the lab.

Bruce leaned against a table and faced Bucky
"Okay buddy what's wrong?" He asked in a gentle tone. Bucky pulled down his hoodie and put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie but kept his head down. His shoulder length hair covering his face.

"It's steve...h-he made me cry" he picked up his head showing Bruce his red nose and cheeks and his puffy eyes.

"Oh Bucky.." Bruce went over and hugged him wrapping his arms around his torso and Bucky hugged him back leaning his head on Bruce's shoulder. They stood like that for about 5 minutes and then pulled away. Still near each other.

"What happened? if you don't mind me asking. " Bruce asked in his normal soft tone.

"Well he came back from his mission and I was watching some Star Wars movies to pass the time and when he came back h-he kinda made fun of me for watching them saying it was for children and nerds.

"But doesn't like Star Wars too?" Bruce asked confused.

"I asked the same thing and he just said that he faked liking it so I wouldn't whine that we weren't spending time together..." Bucky began to tear up again and Bruce hugged him again to comfort.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Bucky he's probably just grumpy after the mission he'll most likely apologize tomorrow in the morning." Bruce said. 

"Yeah you're right -sniff- thank you Bruce." Bucky thanked him and hugged him again.

"No problem Bucky" Bruce gave him one last hugs and they let each other go.

"You should get to bed and get some rest buck" Bruce requested.

"Y-yeah I will thank you Bruce." Bucky thanked him again.

"No problem buck tell me how it goes in the morning okay?" Bruce confirmed and Bucky nodded leaving the lab to go to bed.

Bruce was left in the lab questioning why Steve was like that and hurt how Steve could do that Bucky.

A/N : This is going to be a new series that I'm doing so I won't be taking any request at the moment but as soon I finish this series I'll do the requests! I hope you all enjoy this new story I'm making :)

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