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"Are you okay? What happened?" Michelle asked as she watched her daughter enter the house while wiping a few stray tears from her cheek.

Jada set her keys down on the kitchen table and pulled her sweatshirt over her head. "I'm okay mom," Jada replied softly. "These are happy tears."

"Did it work?"

Shaking her head, Jada made her way across the kitchen. "We didn't try, I chickened out again this time."

Michelle gave her daughter a soft smile. "You want to tell me what's going on?"

"Mommy!" a happy Sofia screamed as she came bolting into the kitchen. The little girl immediately reached for her mothers hand and tried to start dragging her into the living room. "Mommy! Come see my trains! It's so cool!"

"I'm sure it is sweetie," Jada replied softly, kneeling down to be at Sofia's height. "I have to talk to grandma real quick and then you can show me everything. How does that sound?"

"Okay, Mommy! Hurry up!"

Jada smiled as she watched Sofia bound for the living room. That girl was certainly her and Callie's daughter. Neither Jada or Callie cared about what toys Sofia played with. It was at the point where she had more stereotypical "boy" toys then "girl" toys. Callie and Jada thought the stereotypes surrounding children's toys were downright stupid. Both herself and Callie were tomboys and it looked like their little girl was as well. And that was awesome.

"Is everything okay?" Michelle asked again, snapping Jada's attention from her three year old setting up train tracks in the living room.

"Yeah, everything is great."

Michelle stared at her daughter quizzically. "Did you and Callie decide you're not going to try again?"

Standing back up to her full height, Jada made her way around the kitchen counter and closer to her mom. "It's not that. I know Callie would never hold anything like this against me, but I still feel like my miscarriage was my fault. I love Callie too much to fail her."

Jada continued. "Her and I had a really good talk about it today. We decided to take another week and regroup. And for the first time since the miscarriage, I feel confident and okay."

"Honey, none of us want you to push yourself if you're not ready."

"That's the thing though," Jada replied. "I am ready. Callie got through to me. She made me realize, that no matter the outcome, I have her and we have Sofia."

"Callie is just perfect," Michelle said.

Jada giggled. "She really is, Mom. She told me that she only needed two things in her life. She needs me and she needs Sofia. And everything else is just a bonus."

"I know I could possibly miscarry again. I have Callie, Sofia, and you, Mom," Jada said softly. "I have what I need in life. If another baby decides to grace our lives, that would be welcome. If not, I have what I need right here."

"I wish you would've met Callie earlier," Michelle stated. "She is the only one that can talk sense into you. I don't know how she does it, but she does it."

"You probably don't want to know how she does it," Jada replied with a smile.

"My dirty mind can imagine."

"I want to have Callie's kids," Jada continued, explaining the rest of what was on her mind. "Calliope is an amazing human being. She feels like an angel gracing the depths of hell that is this crazy world we live in."

Both Jada and Michelle busted out laughing at the way in which that last sentence was delivered.

"She is the most selfless person I've ever met. She always puts others before herself. Calliope is a gift from the universe and I am so lucky and thankful that I get to call her mine."

"I want to have Callie's kids," Jada repeated again. "The world needs more of Calliope in it. I think the world would happily welcome more Calliope genes running around. Little boys and girls that will grow up to be amazing men and women just like their mom. There are so many more people out there that need some Calliope in their lives."

"I'm also able to bring a child into this world. There are a lot of people out there like Callie who's dream it is to bring a baby into the world. If it doesn't work out, then we'll adopt. I'm ready to be a biological mom. I need to give Callie another chance at having a biological baby."

Michelle quickly threw her arms around Jada. "Callie and I love you, no matter the outcome."

Jada returned the hug. "I know. I love you both too."

"It looks like the little miss is waiting for you," Michelle stated after seeing her granddaughter waiting for her mom in the living room.

"You wanna come help us build epic train tracks?" Jada asked with a smile as she released her mom from a hug.

"She was asking for you all day today," Michelle answered. "Go ahead, I'll be over in a little bit."

Jada quickly made her way into the living room. From when she got home until now, the train setup had been taken apart and neatly separated to await Jada's arrival.

The little girls look of pout on her face for waiting an agonizingly long time for her mom to come, quickly faded when Jada sat down beside her. "Mommy!"

"Hey Sofster!"

"I have everything ready, Mommy."

"I see that. Good job."

Sofia brought over an unopened box that contained a clock tower that could be used to connect to the train tracks. "I was waiting for you for this," the little girl said, handing the box to Jada.

Jada quickly opened the box and allowed Sofia to pull everything out. "It's pretty tall, so we're going to have to use a lot of the ramps for it."

"I know. I want to make two tracks."

The tower had the ability to be a crossroad between trains. "You ready to get to work?"

"Yeah, Mommy!"

Guys I found matching Calzona necklaces and got them for myself and my girlfriend for our three year anniversary coming up and I'm so excited!

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now