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"You doing okay?" Callie asked as she sat down on the bed beside Jada. She reached over and placed the cool cloth onto Jada's forehead.

"Baby," Jada mumbled. "I feel like I got hit by a train."

Callie couldn't hold back her laughter as she took Jada's hand in hers. "Even more than when I railed you into another universe a few nights ago?"

Jada rolled her eyes and groaned. "Oh, shut the fuck up." With a small smile crossing her lips, she grabbed a pillow and proceeded to whack her wife in the face with it.

"You did set yourself up for that one," Callie pointed out with a smile. She then leaned over and kissed Jada softly on the lips.

"Eww, Callie," Jada protested as she tried to push Callie off of her. It was no use. Callie could easily overpower her and even more so since Jada got sick.

"Did you just say 'eww' to my kiss?" Callie asked incredulously. "I'm hurt."

Grabbing the pillow, Jada took another swing at her wife. "I don't want to get you sick. Somebody has to take care of Sofia."

"And you."

"And me," Jada agreed before raising an eyebrow. "Hey! I am fine."

"You are not fine."

Jada tried to sit up and utterly failed. Her head was pounding and she was dizzy to just begin the list of her symptoms. Luckily, Callie was quick to grab her and gently help her to lay down again.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I am not fine."

Callie brushed some of Jada's hair out of her face. She had a stomach bug, a fever, and Callie was starting to think she had an ear infection that was starting to lead to vertigo.

And to make matters worse, Jada was pregnant. Her and Callie had to watch what medication she could take and what would be risky for the baby. They were currently waiting for a call back from the doctor to advise Jada what medication she could take.



"I feel like a disease."

Callie laughed again. "You are not a disease."

"I am so disgusting right now. I feel so gross."

"Do you want to take a shower?"

"No, because I'm cold," Jada replied. "I just feel like I'm some ugly, disgusting, stinky, muddy creature that lives in a swamp."

Jada had Callie laughing so hard once again, she couldn't control it. "Babe, you are not some nasty swamp creature."

"I feel like one."

"That doesn't mean you are one."

Jada just playfully rolled her eyes at Callie. "I am disgusting right now and you know it."

"Okay, whatever you say," Callie replied with a sly smile as she conceded the point to her wife. "That doesn't make you a swamp creature."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now