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Jada came out of the bathroom and laughed. Callie was sprawled out on the bed, with her arms at her sides after pulling her pajama shirt up to her neck and falling asleep, leaving herself in a near full frontal display.

Getting Callie home was a task itself. Whatever was in the three joints she ended up smoking before they left, knocked her out.

"Baby, let's get you home," Jada said, as she struggled to hold Callie up and put her coat on her.

"Huh?" Callie mumbled.

"We're going home."

"What time is it?"

"It's 11:15," Jada answered. "It's getting late and you're so high."

Callie nodded. "I'm high. I'm really high."

Luckily, the snow and wind slowed down outside before they decided to leave. That made getting Callie to the car a lot easier. Callie could stand up, but not for long before she would start to lean over. Jada didn't let go of her as they made their way down the stairs and through the snowy sidewalk to the car. While they walked, she dug through Callie's pockets to find the car keys.

When they reached the car and Jada extended a hand to open the passenger door, Callie nearly fell over. "Can you grab on to me?" she asked.

"Uh huh," Callie mumbled and tried her best to wrap her arms around Jada. It didn't really work, as Jada had to rest Callie's head on her shoulder to help hold her up while she opened the car door.

"Easy, Calliope. I got you." Jada moved Callie to sit down in the passenger seat before picking her legs up and turning them into the car. She reached across with the seatbelt to buckle her in before grabbing a sweatshirt from the backseat and propping it against the window for her to rest her head on.

Callie was a bit more helpful when they got home and headed up the stairs. But, as soon as they reached their bedroom, Jada knew that showering Callie was going to be nearly impossible. She wasn't the lightest. Callie had a few inches on Jada and she was insanely built. Jada knew she wasn't strong enough to hold Callie up and wash both of them.

So she'd started a bath, stripped Callie and herself of their clothing, and helped Callie into the tub. Since Callie was insanely high, she was pretty still and cooperated well, especially when Jada got to washing her hair.

Jada then had to pull Callie out of the tub and dry her off. She blow dried her hair, brushed it out, brushed her teeth, and clothed her in some warm pajamas since it was going to be extremely cold these next few days.

When Jada had finished getting Callie ready for bed, she walked Callie over to the bed and gently laid her down, before pulling the covers up and over her.

"I love you, sweetheart."

And as Jada exited the bathroom, she was greeted by what her wife would call, 'the boobs show.' Callie was already sleeping soundly. Jada decided to move her upward towards the headboard into a more comfortable position. Once Callie was laying on her back towards the center of the bed, Jada gently rolled her onto her side.

They both consumed an above average amount of alcohol since before Jada was pregnant with Riley. And Callie smoked some strong weed on top of that. Jada wouldn't be surprised if it came back to mess with her stomach, and if she was going to throw up, she didn't want Callie to do that while she was on her back. To keep Callie on her side, Jada stuffed a few pillows behind Callie's back.

Jada came around the other side of the bed and slipped under the covers. She laid close enough to Callie so that Callie couldn't roll onto her back that way. Reaching over and placing a soft hand on Callie's cheek, Jada kissed her forehead gently.

"Happy New Years, baby," she said softly. "Time has gone by so fast with you and I can't believe that soon we'll have been together for five years. I love you."

When Jada went to turn onto her side, she felt a hand catch her hip. Slowly, she was turned onto her back and Callie had moved to rest her head on Jada's shoulder.

Jada looked to see if Callie was awake, but she had definitely made herself comfortable in her sleep. She was snoring ever so softly into Jada's ear, and Jada could feel the soft breaths against her neck.

She couldn't believe that she'd been head over heels in love with Callie for going on five years now. It certainly did not feel like it had been five years. These five years had been the best years of her life. Callie had come into her life at the right time and saved Jada from herself.

Jada had bonded even more with her mom, she worked things out with her sister, she had an amazing and fun job, she had two beautiful children, and Callie had been at her side everyday for the past five years.

Her relationship with Callie hadn't been perfect, but she wouldn't want it any other way. Callie taught Jada a lot about herself, and there were a few times where Jada let her mental health battle get in the way of her and Callie. They nearly got divorced twice, but they stuck together and figured it out. And they did figure it out. They hadn't had a serious fight, except for a few minor heated arguments, in a few years. Callie and Jada had both gotten better at agreeing to disagree. They both knew when they reached their limits, and when it was time to step away and cool off.

Being in love was a feeling Jada never truly knew until she met Callie. With her previous girlfriends, Jada realized that she had been trying to convince herself that she had been in love. She hadn't. Calliope Torres became the best partner Jada ever had and still was.

Jada still got the butterflies every time she saw Callie after being apart for a little while. Their kisses still felt as electric as they did when they first got together. Jada confided in Callie with everything. She sought out Callie for comfort. She missed Callie during the hours that felt like days when Callie worked. She was excited to snuggle up with Callie at night and wake up beside her in the morning. Jada became comfortable with her body, and she had given all of herself to Callie, emotionally and physically.

Callie had quickly become her lover, her best friend, her biggest supporter, and her shoulder to lean on. Jada knew Callie had been in love before, but she could tell, she didn't know how, that Callie's love for her was different and stronger than it had been with her past partners. Despite being with a handful of partners, Callie reacted very, very strongly to Jada's touch. Jada knew that she couldn't be the most skilled lover Callie had, but the way Callie's body reacted to her, it really made Jada feel cherished and adored.

She had given her true virginity to Callie and that was not something Callie quickly forgot about. Callie did and still continued to take care of her physically, and also mentally. No one had ever loved her like Callie did, and Callie would always tell Jada how lucky she was to be the one.

With a smile, Jada looked to her left before pressing a gentle kiss to Callie's forehead. Callie was still out and hadn't moved since she laid her head on Jada's shoulder. Turning just a little more to look at the clock, Jada yawned. As much as she wanted to lay here and admire her sleeping beauty, it was getting late, nearing two in the morning.

"I love you so much Calliope," Jada said softly before closing her eyes.

LYNX BOOK 4 is officially coming!!!

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now