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"Baby, I don't want you to go to New York," Jada whined as she wrapped her arms around Callie. "I'm sorry I'm all whiny and sad, I just am going to miss you and I don't think I'm going to handle it."

Callie was supposed to leave for New York in two days and Jada had been clingier than ever. She was not ready to be separated from Callie for a week.

"Wait," Callie said as she shot upwards in bed. "Hold on."

Jada was startled when Callie nearly jumped over her to reach her phone on the nightstand. Without explaining things to Jada, she called somebody.

"Hey, Dad!" Callie said happily. "I know the first few days after the new year are the busiest for you, but I had a quick question." There was a pause before Callie continued. "Are you using the jet for anything in the next week and a half?"

"You're not?"

Callie nodded. "Can you have it sent up here? I have to go to New York City for a week and I'm going to miss the girls too much, I need them to come."

After finishing her statement, Callie smiled. "Thanks, Dad. I owe you one."

After exchanging goodbyes, Callie threw her phone across the bed and pulled Jada into her chest. "You better start packing because you and the girls are coming to New York with me."

Jada's smile nearly burst off her lips. "Your dad has a private jet?"

Callie nodded. "I don't know how I forgot about that. But, it's clean, it'll be just us and the girls, and the staff is amazing."

"The staff?"

"Yeah, it's pretty awesome." Callie then started looking for her phone, shuffling her hands through the covers. "I need to tell the lady I need to upgrade my room for some more guests."

"Are we still going to leave when you were planning on leaving?" Jada asked. "And fly through the night?"

"I think that would work for the girls," Callie agreed. "They can sleep on the plane."

"There's beds?"

"Yeah, my dad has that thing decked out," Callie replied with a smile.

"Is there a bed for us?"

"Yeah, we'll get the master cabin," she answered. "There's an additional cabin for more people where we'll put Sofia and Riley and then the crew has a room for long flights too."

"So, we'll have our own room?"

"We will."

Jada wrapped her arms around Callie again and rested her chin on her wife's shoulder. "So I have this little thing where I kinda wanna... I guess really wanna get laid on a plane."

"You wanna join the mile high club?" Callie asked with a growing smile.

She profusely nodded. "This is the first time we've flown privately and the bathrooms on planes are barely big enough to fit one person." Jada then asked, "Baby, have you ever done it?"

"With myself when I was younger," Callie replied. "But, last time I checked I gave a pretty good lay."

"You can take my airplane virginity."

Callie laughed before saying softly, "You letting me take your virginity meant a lot to me, and it still does. I'd be really happy to take it again."

Jada grabbed Callie and pulled her back down onto the bed. "You, baby, owe me some more snuggles."

Her requests for snuggles always increased during the winter. As Callie made herself comfortable on her back, Jada threw her arms around her. Callie was so warm and she kept Jada nice and cozy at night. January was usually the coldest month of the year, and was always curled up against Callie because she was always cold.

"Can we have lots of snuggles in NYC?" Jada asked softly. "You said it's going to be in the teens."

Callie giggled. "You are so precious, you know that?"

"I just want my snuggles," Jada teased in a childlike voice.

"You are going to get enough snuggles that you'll be sick of me," Callie replied. "You're so precious. I love you."

"I love you too." Jada then asked excitedly, "do I get plenty of cuddles too?"

"Yeah," Callie said. "It's supposed to be bad for two or three days once we get there and they were saying some of the conferences might get cancelled. You'll get all the cuddles and snuggles."


"My dad bought back some hotels in New York so I'm going to ask him if we can stay there. I'm also going to see if he can have a rental car dropped off at the airport. I'm going to tell him to find a Subaru too."

"Your dad is awesome," Jada admitted.

"He's going to hook us up," Callie said as she watched and felt Jada's weight shift above her.

As Jada moved fully above Callie, she leaned down and kissed Callie's lips. She pulled at Callie's bottom lip while settling her leg in between Callie's and pressing against her. Callie let out a low groan.

"You're so hot, baby."

"You're hot too."

"No, you're really hot."

Jada began sliding her thigh back and forth between Callie's legs as she continued to tug at her wife's lips. "You're really hot," she repeated. "You're so damn hot."


"You're taking an Xbox?" Callie asked as she entered the bedroom. She had gone downstairs to grab more stuff for Jada and walked in to see her packing away one of her Xboxes.

"I need something to entertain myself while you're gone all day," Jada admitted. "I'm not taking the girls out without you. It's going to be so cold and I want you with us. We need our personal bodyguard."

She continued to stuff the console into the suitcase. "It's the Series S though, so it's really small."

Callie continued to watch Jada pack, and took notice when she only stuffed in one controller. "You gonna bring one for me?"

"You're gonna play with me?" Jada shockingly asked.


Jada walked up to Callie and began taking her temperature. "Are you okay? You never offer to play with me."

"I wanna play with you, babe."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now