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"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Callie said as she reached over and snatched Jada's phone out of her hands. "Since when was this like this?"

Jada felt herself blushing as she looked at her phone's lock screen. "A little while..."

"You just had sex with me and your phone's background is Taylor Swift!?" Callie asked. By the scheming smile on her wife's face, Jada knew Callie was just playing with her. So, she decided to play along.

"I really like this picture," Jada said softly.

"I do too," Callie agreed. "You look hot as hell. But, you're hugging Taylor Swift and it's your lock screen and your lock screen should be me," Callie teasingly rambled. "What happened to the me in a bikini one?"

"I've been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift recently," Jada said, trying her best to hide a smile. "And I had a lot of fun that night."

"You didn't have fun just now?" Callie asked, playfully raising an eyebrow. "Because you looked like you were really enjoying yourself. Then you decided your phone was more important than taking care of your girl. Who also did all the work, by the way."

"You, Calliope, do wonders," Jada said as she still struggled to catch her breath.

They had finished making love a couple of minutes ago. It was Jada's second time having penetrative sex with Callie since she was fully cleared to do so. And it had been earth shattering.

While Callie closed her eyes for a few moments, Jada used that opportunity to brag to her friends about the insane climaxes Callie brought her to. When she was finished, she clicked off her phone and Callie snatched it away from her.

"Hey, I still wouldn't bang her over you," Jada pointed out, deciding to continue to play with her pouting wife. "I just listened to her music a lot and it made me think of the concert and how much fun I had with you."

Callie was freaking awesome and had gotten her a meet and greet with Taylor. And Jada heard teasing the entire way home. Jada then teased Callie and said that if Callie wanted that type of a reaction, then she needed to start singing too.

But never in a million years would Jada ever want to be with anyone other than Callie. Not even Taylor Swift. Because Callie was absolutely amazing, beautiful, and stunning, and no woman in the world was comparable to Callie. Especially after this picture Jada took a few months ago.

"Your wallpaper is still of her though," Callie pouted as she showed Jada her own phone

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"Your wallpaper is still of her though," Callie pouted as she showed Jada her own phone. "Mine lock screen is literally me kissing you and the home screen is me, you, Sofia, on the hospital bed holding Riley."

"Are you pouting?" Jada teased.

"Yeah, because I want your wallpaper to be me and not her."

Jada snatched her phone back from Callie and began going through her photos. "What about this one?"

Callie looked at her and just rolled her eyes. "That's still you and her except I'm in this picture."

"Yeah, I like it because you're in it."

"Are you sure you're not the one with the thing for blondes?" Callie teased in return.

Jada shrugged. "I just like her music." Leaning over, she pressed a soft kiss to Callie's cheek. "I told her that you are my wife."

That got Callie's attention again. "What did she say?"

"She said that you're beautiful," Jada whispered as she kissed Callie's lips this time.

"She did?"

Jada had now turned onto her side to face Callie. "She did. She said that you're beautiful, gorgeous, and that I was the luckiest girl in the world."

"She didn't say that," Callie said flatly. "You're just trying to save your ass," Callie playfully growled as she began to tickle Jada.

"Calliope!" Jada laughed as she thrashed around in front of her wife. "I'll change it! I promise!"

The tickling stopped and Jada's hands went right for her phone. "How about this one?" she asked.

Callie took a look at it. "I approve."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do. As long as it's me or the girls on your phone before Taylor Swift."

"Okay, Calliope, I get it."

"I hope you do," Callie whispered as she threw Jada onto her back.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now