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Jada followed Callie up the stairs and down the hallway toward their bedroom. She couldn't wait for them to take the final two steps into their bedroom so Jada could slam the door closed behind her.

And that was what Jada did. Following Callie into the bedroom, she placed her hands on Callie's back and gave her wife a gentle shove forward. Not even looked behind herself, Jada reached out to grab the door and swung her arm and the door backward until she heard the door close with a thud.

The noise startled Callie and she turned around and raised an eyebrow as she watched Jada softly click the lock into place. Before she could say or do anything, lips were on hers and Jada began pushing her towards the bed.

Feeling the back of Callie's legs hit the edge of the bed and without pulling her lips away, Jada pulled at the hem of Callie's shirt. Very quickly, she worked it over Callie's head and tossed it on the bed behind them.

Just as she leaned in to kiss Callie again, Jada smirked at her, and gave her a forceful shove. Callie flopped back onto the bed as Jada reached up and removed her own shirt over her head.

When Callie tried to sit up and flip over to take the lead, Jada pushed her hands firmly onto the bed. "My turn tonight, Calliope."

Jada would never forget the absolute look of lust on Callie's face when she said that. The way she looked in complete bliss and turned on. Pushing Callie down again, Jada moved to straddle her to keep her from going anywhere.

Taking a few moments, those moments that were agonizingly long for Callie, Jada started down at her wife and smiled. Although she didn't like to be the aggressor much, Jada was loving Callie being at her complete mercy. Maybe she would try to dominate Callie some more.

The look Callie was giving back turned Jada on even more. She didn't waste any time quickly removing their clothes and discarding them behind her before attaching her lips back to Callie's.

"Calliope," Jada breathed between kisses.

Feeling Callie's breath hitch in her throat, Jada didn't realize how much she missed being the aggressor in a sexual encounter with Callie. Being pregnant and needing to recover from the pregnancy, she wasn't able to top Callie. But now, Jada planned on making up for lost time.

Callie groaned at the sudden loss of Jada's lips when Jada pushed herself back up into a sitting position. Looking back down at Callie, with a very seductive and eager smirk, Jada couldn't help the beaming smile plastered across her face.

After all the sexy dancing Callie pulled earlier, Jada was sure going to make her pay for it. When Callie tried to sit up and follow her, one hand that had been pressing Callie's arms into the mattress, cupped her throat and pushed her downward.

Jada thought she was going to come on the spot after hearing the moan ripped from her wife's throat.

Holy fuck.

Sliding her feet off the bed, Jada couldn't help a moan escaping her own lips at the feeling of Callie's desire pressed up against her thigh.

In their relationship, Callie was more of the aggressor and kinkier. And while Jada certainly loved to have sex with Callie however she wanted, she preferred the more steady and traditional lovemaking. Which she always got.

Squeezing her hand just the tiniest bit around Callie's neck, Jada slid her feet off the bed followed by her body until she was fully off the bed.

And then she flipped Callie onto her stomach. As soon as Callie's stomach hit the bed, Jada leaned over and pressed her upper body weight onto Callie's back so she couldn't turn over.

"You're not ready for this, Calliope," Jada whispered into Callie's ear before leaving an open mouthed kiss on her neck.

Jada then grabbed Callie's dark hair and used it to lift her head slightly off the bed. Callie was practically withering underneath her. Her body was tight and tense, which was how Jada wanted her.

And when she wasn't paying attention, Jada pushed two fingers inside of her. "Fuck, babe."

Yeah, Callie Torres was about to be worshipped all night.

So I saw Taylor Swift on Saturday and it was amazing!

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now