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Callie and Jada didn't hear the light knock on their bedroom door. Instead, Callie was flat on her back with Jada laying atop her.

"Geez babe," Callie muttered under her breath. "I'm going to get you back for this."

Jada chuckled softly while continuing to press her fingers deeper into Callie, but not where the surgeon wanted them the most.

With a wicked grin, Jada curled her fingers upward, causing Callie to spaz beneath her. She moaned loudly and gripped her fingertips into Jada's back even harder.

Feeling Callie's body tighten around her fingers, Jada continued to slide herself up and down her wife's thigh in an attempt to catch up. Trying to catch up was no use, as Callie released a low moan followed by a breathily, "Jada."

Jada came undone first followed by Callie a few seconds later. She collapsed down onto her wife's chest, nuzzling her face into the side of Callie's neck. Tracing over Callie's shoulders and arms, Jada gently kissed her pulse point on the side of her neck that was going wild from their previous activities.

Although nothing would beat sex with Callie, coming down from that high and enjoying the afterglow was pretty high on the list.

"Should I come back later?" asked Jada's mom from the other side of their closed bedroom door.


"Sorry, honey. I knocked a few times and I didn't know you and Callie were busy."

"I'm sorry, baby," Jada said, cuddling into Callie's neck once again.

"What are you sorry for?" Callie asked, the confusion evident in her voice. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You're having amazingly hot sex with your wife then you get interrupted by her mother."

"That doesn't change the 'amazingly hot' part," Callie countered.

"I am sorry about my mom," Jada continued. "I'm sure she found a match on one of her dating apps and that's what she wants to show us."

"Well, let's see it."

"Mom!" Jada said loudly. "You can come in now."

Jada pulled the covers up over herself and Callie and moved to lay beside Callie. Michelle opened their bedroom door and quickly made her way over to Jada's side.

A phone was immediately shoved in Jada's hands while the bed dipped slightly as Michelle sat down beside her daughter. "Look at how nice he is."

Jada had no experience using a dating app of any sorts, but from their conversation, the guy did seem pretty nice. "He wants to meet up with you already?" Jada asked as she continued to scroll through the messages. "It's only been a day?"

Michelle nodded. "That's why I'm not sure and I wanted your advice."

Jada smiled when Callie pressed up against her bare back and lovingly wrapped an arm around her under the covers. When Callie leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to Jada's bare shoulder, she couldn't help but back herself even closer to Callie until there was no physical space left between them.

"I would definitely do it in a public place," Jada suggested.

Michelle nodded her head in agreement. "That was the first thing I thought of too."

"Are you interested in meeting him?" Jada asked. "If you want to meet him that's fine, I just don't want you to push yourself if you're not ready."

"I want to meet him," Michelle answered confidently. "I really need to get myself back out there again. It's going to be hard but I can do it."

Jada gave her mom a soft smile. "You can borrow my UFC fighter of a wife if you need to scare him away."

Callie, Jada, and Michelle all laughed. The newest addition to Callie's workout room was a punching bag that Callie broke off it's hook already. It had become the running joke that Callie should start UFC fighting. Of course, Jada would never actually want that to happen, but the pretense of it sounded hot as hell. But Callie was too gorgeous for that.

"I say do it," Jada said, steering the conversation back to that of the guy her mom was interested in meeting. "I'll lend you my personal bodyguard for the day."

"That sounds like a plan. Thank you both."

"You're welcome," Callie and Jada replied in unison.

Michelle stood up. "I'll let you two finish what you were doing. Sorry to interrupt you two."

"No worries," Callie answered. "We're just pregaming it for when baby Torres comes and we can't do this for a few weeks."

Jada playfully smacked her wife. "Calliope!"

Michelle giggled and closed the door behind her.
"Baby, my mom knows enough about our sex life," Jada said as soon as the door clicked into place.

Callie shrugged. "That doesn't mean she can't know any more."

Jada rolled her eyes and cuddled back into Callie's bare chest. "Is sex with me enough for you?" Jada asked, her voice small.

"What?" Callie asked. She was clearly confused and concerned about what Jada said.

Jada felt bad for how she said that. "Am I enough for you?" Jada asked quietly. It was something that had just begun to bother her today, especially when she thought about how much better Callie could have it. She knew that Callie would never leave her side in a million years, but she couldn't help but not feel worthy enough for a woman like Callie.

"Why would you say that?" Callie asked.

"I'm pregnant and I can't help but crave it all the time," Jada began to ramble. "And you... you're just perfect and I'm going to be such a mess soon and I know I won't be able to have sex for a while after I have the baby. And I don't want to let you down at all or anything-"


She immediately stopped talking. "I'm sorry, I'm just-"

"Jaelynn, I've never been more sexually satisfied in my life," Callie said sternly. "We're in this together and we're going to take it one day at at time, okay?"

"Okay," Jada said softly. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Thank you for telling me," Callie said appreciatively. "It's okay. Alright?"

Jada nodded. "Thank you, Calliope. I love you so much."

"I love you so much too."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now