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"Jaelynn, you're showing now," Callie whispered as she leaned down to kiss Jada's bare stomach.

"Really?" Jada asked as she quickly sat up to take a look for herself. And Callie was right. It was barely noticeable and and anyone who didn't see her as intimately as Callie did would have no clue she was pregnant at all.

The bump was very subtle, but they could see the beginning of the rounding on her belly. Jada's muscular body hid some of the newly protruding baby bump making her look a lot earlier than 11 weeks in. She was 11 weeks along now and would be looking forward to finding out the sex of their baby in the coming weeks.

Callie and Jada decided right away they wanted to know as soon as it was possible to determine if their baby was a boy or a girl. That way, they could get started on the baby's nursery and start thinking of names.

"You are so beautiful," Callie murmured against the soft skin of Jada's belly where she began tracing a trail of kisses with her lips.

"I won't be for much longer because I'm going to turn into a beached whale," Jada replied.

Callie looked up and glared at her wife. "Babe, you are beautiful. I don't care if you're in your third trimester or if you just gave birth, you're still going to be the most beautiful woman in the world and no one else can even compare."

"You're only allowed to see me look nasty and that's when I'm giving birth right after. You don't need to see my ugly ass post birth body," Jada replied. "Ugh, I'm going to look so nasty. I'm going to ask my mom to help me shower and everything."

Jada's expression softened when she watched Callie halfheartedly lay on her side next to her, and rest her head gently onto the pillow. It took Jada a minute to register the look on her wife's face. It was something she didn't see all that often. She ruled out that Callie wasn't angry with her. If Callie was angry, there would be a blaze behind those dark brown eyes and Callie would certainly make her feelings known.

But, Callie looked... she looked almost hurt. That was Jada's next guess-pain. Not physical pain, but emotional pain. "Baby?" Jada asked softly.

Apparently Callie was in the mood to tell her wife what was on her mind. Normally, Jada had to pry to get answers out of Callie when she was upset. This was different. Callie seemed intent on letting Jada know what was on her mind.

"I am your wife," Callie began softly. "I am the one who should see to your intimate needs."

"Callie... I just don't want you to see me like that," Jada protested.

"Why not?"

"Because-because you're beautiful Callie," Jada stammered, finally getting the words she wanted to say to come from her mouth. "You are beautiful, gorgeous, and stunning. You are the most beautiful human in the world. That's you, Calliope. And in a few months, I'm going to look like a nasty beached whale."

"You're essentially telling me you don't trust me to love you for you," Callie said and Jada almost didn't hear her. In their nearly four years of marriage, Jada had never heard something come out of her wife that softly. Callie's voice was so small and was filled with so much insecurity.

"That you only want me to see you when you're looking pretty. Which is all the time, by the way," Callie snuck in.

"Babe, I know how childbirth works," Callie began to explain softly. "I know your body is going to feel so loose and gross and it's not going to be the prettiest sight to look at it. But you're still you, and no matter if you're laying with me here or if you just finished having a baby, you are just as beautiful and stunning."

"I'm sorry, Calliope," Jada said softly. "I guess I'm just nervous that when I look like a beached whale and you still look sexy as hell that..." she trailed off.

"I think you know I'm pretty hard to get rid of," Callie replied. "I know you think that I'll deserve someone prettier. I don't give a fuck," she said softly but sternly. "I want to attend to every need of yours because you are my wife."

"I know, Calliope," Jada admitted. "I hope you're ready for a lot of working."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now