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"Why does it have to be so cold?" Jada complained.

"You were the one that wanted to go for a walk," Callie was quick to point out.

"Okay, I didn't ask for your sass," Jada shot back with a teasing smile. "It's been a while since you and I got to explore New York together."

Callie wrapped her arm around Jada, and pulled her against her side as they continued to walk. "That one ortho doctor this morning thought he was the shit."

"They all think that," Callie replied with a smile. "But none of them can create anything better than me. You saw the demos. You saw my artificial cartilage destroy whatever the hell he was using."

"You are amazing."

"Orthopedics is a male dominated field," Callie continued. "They're not ready to see a woman come in and kick their asses."

"Well that said woman should come kick more ass."

Callie steered Jada in front of her, and just out of the way of a rush of people coming their way, most likely heading for the subway station. "This city is ruthless."

"Yup," Callie agreed. "That's why you always have to pay attention to your surroundings."

"Well, I don't have to. Because I have you."

Callie playfully rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't last a day out here without me."

"You're right. This is so much more city then LA."

"This makes me wonder how you survived in LA without me."

Jada rewarded Callie with a punch to the arm. "I am a strong, independent woman, and I don't need no girl to protect me."

More people came running down the sidewalk and Jada quickly threw herself into Callie, who of course, kept her from getting run over. Looking up at the wicked grin on her wife's face, Jada couldn't help but laugh. "Oh really?" Callie asked. "You wanna take that back?"

"Okay, I take that back. But, I'm still a strong and independent woman and I only need a certain girl to protect me."

"And who would that be?"

Jada heard Callie, but was more focused on looking up at the Empire State Building. She'd seen everything before, but the city never ceased to amaze her. It was so much more than LA. Los Angeles was still beautiful and amazing, but it was nothing compared to New York City.

"You want to go to the top of it?" Callie asked, finally noticing Jada just looking upward.

"But, that's expensive."

Callie rolled her eyes. "I do expensive."

"It's probably closed for the night, though."

"I can get us to the top."

"Callie, how are you going to do that?"

Pulling Jada into an alleyway between buildings, Callie pressed her necklace. "Did you forget?"

Jada smiled. "You're going to climb this thing?"

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now