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Jada woke up chilly. Rolling over from her side to her back, she saw Callie on her side facing the opposite way. Callie had to have the bedroom so cold, so every time they rolled away from each other in their sleep, Jada would wake up chilly without her wife to keep her warm.

Turning over, Jada reached out and pulled on Callie's shoulder to roll her onto her back. Once she was on her back, Jada reached over again and pulled Callie so she was on her side facing Jada. She pushed Callie's right arm up and under the pillow, before pressing her chest against Callie's and dropping Callie's left arm around her.

She happily welcomed the warmth of her wife, and Callie's snug and cozy embrace. Jada could spend an entire day, maybe even more, cuddling up to Callie.

Callie's embrace was just so welcoming, warm, and cuddly. It was where Jada wanted to spend every night for the rest of her life. Jada dreaded the first time her and Callie would have to spend a night apart. In their three and a half years of marriage, Callie and Jada had yet to sleep separately.

Jada never wanted to spend a night without Callie ever again, but she knew it was bound to happen eventually. Sleeping with Callie was the only way for her to get a good nights rest. Before she met Callie, Jada would often wake up multiple times a night. And she would have trouble settling down to go to sleep. She did not want to be alone, and she didn't want the uncertainty of not knowing what Callie was up to. Not that Jada had anything to be concerned about. She hadn't met anyone more loyal than Callie in her entire life.

Callie's embrace was also where Jada felt the safest. It felt like home. Yes, she had a physical house, but nothing felt more like home then Callie and Sofia. Jada felt so loved and protected when she was cuddled up with Callie. She knew that if hypothetical situations ever happened in reality, Callie would give her life for her. No questions asked. Callie would protect her from anything and everything.

Callie was her everything. She was Jada's wife, her lover, partner, best friend, her shoulder to cry on, her motivator, her biggest supporter, her caretaker, and her protector. A job that she took very seriously. Calliope Iphegenia Torres was her life.

She snuggled into the small space between Callie's neck and the pillow. Just as she was about to close her eyes, Jada felt Callie begin to stretch.

"You okay?" Callie's soft and sleepy voice asked.

"I'm okay," Jada answered quietly. "I just woke up and we rolled away from each other."

Callie tightened her arms around Jada. "Come here, I got you."

There wasn't any physical space left between the two of them and that was exactly how Jada liked it.

"Thank you, baby," she said. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much too, Jaelynn," Callie replied and Jada could see the smile stretched across her wife's face.

"I had a dream about us," Jada told her wife.

"What about us?" Callie asked after leaning forward a bit to press a gentle kiss to Jada's lips.

"I had a dream we had sex," Jada said happily.

"We just did have sex," Callie stated. "Right before we went to bed."

After showing Callie their matching necklaces, the soft kisses Jada was pressing to her wife's lips quickly turned steamy. Jada had really woken Callie out of her tired like state and they spent some time making love to each other.

And Jada had realized Callie had taken her virginity in a way she never thought of before. Her exes only wanted one thing-a quick fuck and a quick release. Although Jada never allowed them to do anything to her, Callie was the first and only girl she'd made love to.

Her and Callie did occasionally seek out just a quick fuck, but most of the time, their sex was soft and gentle lovemaking. It was the soft kisses, the caresses, the mapping of each others body with kisses, and then the soft and gentle act of actually having sex.

Callie would kiss her softly and deeply. She would kiss all over Jada's body and map it with her lips and not her eyes. She would hold her tightly the entire time, not daring to let go. Jada would be told she was loved so often, so much that she couldn't even count. Callie would touch her so softly, and the whole experience was so intimate.


"Yeah, beautiful?"

"Can you make love to me?"

"You're horny?" Callie asked, getting them both to release quiet giggles. "In the middle of the night?"

"Let's not forget that I'm pregnant," Jada said with a smile.

"I am aware," Callie answered with a smile of her own. "Don't worry, I didn't forget."

"I have cravings," Jada continued. "And I don't want dirty sex right now, I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for that soon. But I want you to hold me and kiss me, and if it leads to sex, then it does. And if not, I just want lots of cuddles."

Callie smiled as she helped Jada roll over onto her back before crawling over her. Leaning forward, Callie kissed her lips before moving to kiss Jada's neck.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now