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"Mom, why is there somebody at the front door?" Jada asked cautiously after hearing the doorbell ring.

Michelle looked up from where she was sitting on the floor beside Sofia helping her build yet another set of train tracks. She shrugged.

"I didn't order anything," Jada thought aloud. "We're not expecting someone. I'm not used to this because the end of the road is gated."

Her mom shrugged. "I don't know," was all she said.

"Should I go get Callie?"

Callie came home early from work today after getting everything done earlier than usual. She, of course, immediately went to the basement for a workout.

Jada's attention turned back to the front door when they heard a knock. Ever since the whole incident when she first started dating Callie, Jada was leery about answering the door. And even more so with Sofia now. She did not like people showing up to the house unannounced.

She walked over to the front door and looked through the window. And when she saw who was outside, Jada immediately flung the door open and crushed her sister in a hug.


"Hey," Grace managed to get out before she was crushed in a hug from her sister.

Standing in the doorway in her military camouflage and bag in hand, Grace dropped the bag to embrace her sister in a tight hug as well.

"Aunt Grace!" Sofia yelled from the living room.

Jada and her sister giggled as they watched the little girl struggle to push herself upright. Surprisingly, she was doing very well with taking care of her left arm where the cast was. Once she pushed herself to her feet, she was all smiles running over to greet her aunt.

"Hey, Sofster," Grace said excitedly as she picked up the little girl. "I missed you."

Sofia gently wrapped her arms around her aunts neck. "I miss you too."

As much as Grace was not originally fond of Callie and Sofia in the beginning, her and the little girl shared a bond that absolutely made Jada's heart melt. Grace and Callie were very close now and enjoyed working out together and competing against each other. Jada's sister could never beat her wife. Each time, Grace always promised she was going to come back stronger, because she was a military girl and kept herself in excellent shape. And each time, Callie sent her back to school. Jada was waiting for the day when her sister decided to give up and accept that Callie was stronger than her. It would be a day to remember and a day full of laughter.

"What happened to your arm, Sofia?" Grace asked.

Sofia, who was still very excited to see her aunt, answered happily, "I fell off the monkey bars."

"You fell off the monkey bars?" Grace asked, trying to hide her smile at the excitement in Sofia's voice when she explained what happened.

"She broke her wrist," Jada added. "Because she didn't want to listen to me," Jada said with a smile.

"Uh oh, Sof."

"But Momma gave me a cast and Momma help me feel better and it doesn't hurt at all," the little girl rambled.

"Your Momma is a good surgeon," Grace told the little girl. "A great one, actually. I'm sure your Momma gave you her best treatment because you're her little girl."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now