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"Are you sure you'll be okay up here?" Callie asked. "I'm not sure how long it'll take."

Jada smiled as she slowly slid Callie's lab coat off her shoulders. Raising her eyebrow, Callie watched with interest as Jada balled up her lab coat and tossed it behind her onto the cot.

"I'll be good," Jada answered with a playful nod. "My wife going to save a life, now that's hot."

Taking a step towards Callie, Jada placed both hands atop a muscular shoulder. "You don't need that for surgery," she said, referring to the lab coat.

"I do need my badge off it though," Callie said as she watched Jada take another step closer to her until they were basically pressed against each other.

Jada's fingers pressed into Callie's favorite spot on the back of her strong shoulders, enticing a low and content groan. She happily ran her hands up and down Callie's back before taking a handful of that dark wavy hair into her hand and pulling Callie down for a kiss.

Jada smiled into the kiss. The quiet but audible gasp Callie released when Jada pressed a hungry kiss to her lips-that was really hot. As she pushed into Callie, Callie's hands moved to grab her, but ended up on Jada's backside where she happily welcomed them.

"How much time do you have?" Jada asked between kisses.

Callie's pager answered that question for her. As soon as Callie moved to pick Jada up, her pager started blaring in her pocket.

"You really have to leave me now?" Jada pouted.

Pulling out her pager, Callie silenced it before seeing what the page was. Happy that it didn't involve her, she stuffed it back into her pocket.

"Actually, I have a few more minutes," Callie said.

Jada looked at her wife with a raised eyebrow. "Didn't you just get paged?"

"It was a page to the ortho department," Callie supplied. "Someone else already answered."

"That works out for us," Jada said seductively.

"Yes it does."

Leaning upward again, Jada brought her lips to Callie's for another passionate kiss. "You wanna make out with me?"

"That's not even a question," Callie replied huskily as she picked Jada up.

Behind being carried bridal style, being picked up and held against Callie's front was a close second. Taking a few steps over to the empty cot, Callie sat down with Jada on her lap, and slowly maneuvered herself until she was leaning up against the pillow in front of the wall.

"You know, I would still like you better with the clothes off," she murmured before kissing her wife again.

"I can help with that," Callie said. Jada was taken aback when she felt herself being pushed away from her intended destination until she saw Callie quickly pull her scrub top over her head.

"That definitely helps," Jada appreciated as she moved to quickly take the top and toss it behind her.

Jada flattened herself above Callie and rested her arms on the pillow beside Callie's head. She kissed Callie's lips, before exploring a little around Callie's neck, and breasts.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now