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Jada was beginning to resent the times she would have to go out in public without Callie. Each week, her baby bump was getting more and more visible to people who didn't know her.

And she had been hit on by so many more guys now that she was pregnant. Jada didn't understand it, but it annoyed her and sometimes made her uncomfortable.

That was why she missed having Callie by her side when they were out, and especially now when she was shopping. Pushing the shopping cart in one hand and holding Sofia's hand in the other, Jada and her daughter shopped for food for the surprise birthday party they were throwing for Callie at the end of the week.

Callie made it very well known that she was dreading her 30th birthday. It was Jada's intent to change her wife's opinion and make sure she enjoyed her birthday. It would be the start of their three birthdays. Callie's was August 31st, Sofia's was the second week of September, and Jada's was the week after.

They turned down Sofia's favorite isle, the candy isle. Jada only planned on letting the little girl pick out one thing since she wouldn't eat any candy, and Callie would need coaxing to even eat one piece of candy.

"Mommy, can I get these?" Sofia asked, holding up a bag of Airheads and Skittles.

"One or the other sweetheart," Jada reminded her daughter.

"Why can't I have both?" the little girl complained.

"This is just one of those times where what I say is what goes," Jada answered. "You can only have one."

"But I want both!"

"Sofia," Jada warned. "If Momma finds out I got you one of these she's not going to be happy. So, only one."

That seemed to get the nearly four year olds attention. Callie and Jada were normally on the same page when it came to parenting, but food was the one thing they sometimes had disagreements on.

Callie did not like Sofia having candy or any other kind of sugary food or drinks because she herself, wouldn't have those. Whereas, Jada mostly agreed, she didn't want her daughter eating a lot of sweets at such a young age, she believed Sofia should be allowed to have some candy and some sugar in moderation.

Jada understood where Callie was coming from, not that she completely agreed with it. Callie was a workoutaholic and hardly ever ate anything that was outside of the dietary restrictions she set for herself. Jada understood it, the shape Callie was in and the physique she had wasn't something that was made by not eating healthy. It was years of exercise and good nutrition.

But, Jada didn't want Sofia to not have any sweets. Because the kids in her preschool class did and she would sometimes come home asking about why she was never allowed to have something another kid did.

"You can pick out one thing, Sofia," Jada instructed again.

The little girl nodded and placed the Skittles back on the shelf. "Thank you, Mommy."

"You're welcome sweetheart. This stays between you and I."


Jada continued pushing the cart now that Sofia had decided on what she wanted. It was time to really go shopping. And it wasn't long before this shopping trip was ruined.

"Can I get that for you?" a young man asked as Jada tried to reach up and grab milk on the top shelf of the refrigerator. She was able to grab it easily, but she felt her shirt around her baby bump pushing upward and she stopped to fix it.

"I got it, thank you," Jada replied as she reached up again.

Apparently not taking a hint, the guy reached in front of her and grabbed the milk she had been reaching for. "There you go," he said, handing it to Jada and beginning to look over her body. "Who's the lucky boyfriend or husband?"

"Actually neither," Jada replied as she set the milk down into the cart.

The guy pressed his lips together. "So, you and the baby's father don't get along?"

"I don't know why the hell think this is any of your business," Jada snapped under her breath, quiet enough so her daughter wouldn't hear. "The baby's father is my wife," Jada shot back. "She got me pregnant, not some man."


"I don't get it!" Jada complained to Callie from across the counter. "Sof and I went shopping today and another guy thought I was available or something because in their stupid minds, some guy stuck his dick in me and bailed."

Coming around the kitchen counter, Callie wrapped her arms around Jada in an attempt to help calm her down. "Men are stupid, I'm sorry."

"Can we go shopping together?" Jada asked softly.

"We can," Callie answered with a nod. "Would that make you feel more comfortable?"


"I just don't get why everyone thinks I got knocked up by a guy," Jada growled.

"Because that is the mindset of straight men," Callie answered. "Oblivious and stupid."

"I'm not even straight!"

"That's a shocker," Callie teased.

Jada rolled her eyes. "It's just so annoying because I've never even had sex with a man!"

"What's sex?" Callie and Jada both heard from the living room.

Making eye contact with Jada, Callie nudged her wife's arm with her shoulder before walking back into the kitchen. "That, is all yours."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now