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Jada stretched out her neck and shoulders as she continued to hang up the clean basket of clothes in the closet. She hadn't thrown as much as she did today in a long time. Jada's right shoulder was very sore and as she hung the next shirt up on the rack, she moved her arm over her head a few times. Feeling the tightness in her shoulder, Jada dropped it loosely to her side and reached down to grab the next shirt.

"Sofia is asleep," Jada heard Callie say as soon as she entered the bedroom.

Feeling strong arms wrap around her waist, Jada smiled. "Hi babe," Callie said softly into her ear.

Jada immediately relaxed back into Callie's chest. "Hi baby."

Callie's soft lips kissed Jada's cheek. Her arms loosened from around Jada and she grabbed the basket full of dirty laundry and pulled it out into the bedroom.

Looking down at the basket beside her, Jada decided that everything else could wait. There was another load of laundry in the dryer right now that was just going to be added to the basket in the morning. She tucked the basket away behind the door and turned around to face Callie.

Callie was in the process of pulling the form fitting tank top she had been wearing over her head. Jada's eyes would not leave the spot they were focused on. Callie's very well toned abs. The curves of her bicep muscles as she grabbed the hem of the tank top to finish pulling it over her head. Her insanely strong shoulders that were just covered by a bra strap now.

Jada didn't know what it was, but the way Callie balled up the tank top and tossed it in the laundry bin was sexy as hell.

She didn't bother closing the closet door. Jada quickly closed the distance between herself and Callie. Her eyes hungrily raked her wife's body. Jada placed her hands on Callie's shoulders and freely roamed around the muscles with her hands.

Moving her hands down to Callie's arms, Jada outlined every curve of Callie's biceps with her hands before taking Callie's arms and gently wrapping them around her.

"Hi baby," Jada again said softly. Placing a gentle hand on Callie's cheek, Jada directed her downward so she could press an intimate kiss to Callie's lips.

Happily welcoming Callie's tongue with hers, Jada stepped forward and pressed herself fully against Callie. Jada tangled her hands into Callie's long black hair and began to push her backward. Callie tried to wrap her arms back around Jada in an attempt to pick her up, but Jada shrugged them off. She was in charge tonight.

Jada continued to push Callie backward until her legs were pressed up against the side of the bed. "You are all mine tonight, Calliope."

Callie nodded and Jada pushed her backwards onto the bed. Jada's hand's immediately pulled Callie's bra over her head and tossed it aside on the bed. Pressing kisses to Callie's lips, Jada began to strip out of her own clothing, pausing a few times to remove her shirt and bra. She then removed her own shorts and panties before doing the same to Callie.

After taking a moment to catch her breath after all the intimate kissing, Jada flopped onto Callie's chest. "Consider this a 'thank you' for protecting me earlier."

"If this is the appreciation I'm going to get, I think I might need to go start more fights with people."

Before Callie could say anything else, Jada attacked her lips with kisses. She then trailed the kisses down Callie's neck, between her breasts, down her stomach and between her legs where she stopped. Making eye contact with Callie, Jada leaned forward and flicked her tongue over Callie's clit, enticing a low sensual moan.

Callie was already grasping at the sheets and Jada couldn't help but marvel over the power she had over Callie. She was the one who got to make love to Callie. And she was the one who got to experience these reactions.

Jada continued her exploration, reveling in Callie's taste and smell. It was intoxicating and Jada absolutely loved it. Callie's back was rigid and she was gripping the sheets tightly. She flicked her tongue over the sensitive nub again before crawling back up to settle herself over Callie.

She propped herself up on one elbow, using the other hand to trace down Callie's stomach and between her legs. Callie immediately moaned at the feeling, making Jada press herself against Callie's thigh to calm the intense throbbing coming from between her own legs.

Feeling already how on edge Callie was, Jada knew it wasn't going to take long before she could lose herself in a long and intense orgasm. Distracting Callie by kissing her lips, Jada slipped two fingers into her.

Jada began softly, but it wasn't long before she quickened her pace. She laid her head on Callie's shoulder while softly biting down on the side of Callie's neck. Callie moved her hips in response while Jada began using her own hips to push harder into Callie. Jada slid her hips up and down Callie's thigh, as she worked herself toward release as well.

The hot and stickiness from outside made its way into the house no matter how high the air conditioning was turned up. Jada could feel herself starting to sweat and her body felt sticky against Callie's. Jada shuddered when she felt Callie press her own fingers between Jada's center and her thigh to help her toward her release.

After a few more moments, Callie and Jada came together, their bodies coated in the warm wetness and the room beginning to smell of sex. Jada wouldn't want it any other way as she collapsed onto Callie's sweaty chest.

"Hey, Jaelynn," Callie said softly.

"Yeah, baby?"

"Can you do that more often?"

Jada looked down at Callie and smiled. "I can do that."

"It's hot," Callie complained, quick to change the subject. Putting her arms around Jada, she rolled Jada off of her and to her side. "I need the fan."

Jada giggled and rested her head on Callie's shoulder. "What did that girl even say to you?" she asked softly. "Because you were dropping some haymakers to her helmet."

"You want to know?"

"Do I want to know?"

Callie shrugged. "She tried to threaten you," she said softly. "She was pissed off you and I were torching her ass the whole game. And she tried to say that next time she was going to lay one on you so hard it was going to knock your shoulder out of place."

Jada just laughed and Callie looked at her with a confused expression on her face. "That's all she had?"

Callie laughed as well. "I guess. But she learned her lesson pretty quickly," Callie said and reached over to grab Jada's hand. "No one is ever going to hurt you, I promise."

Jada gasped when she looked down and saw Callie's hand. Her knuckles were badly bruised from punching at the girls face mask while they were fighting. "Calliope, your hand."

Squeezing her hand a few times, Callie said, "I'm okay. It doesn't hurt too bad."

"I love you so much, Calliope. Thank you for protecting me."

"I love you too, Jaelynn. And I'll always protect you."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now