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Grace held the door for Michelle and Sofia to enter the house. Immediately scanning around the house, her sister and Callie were nowhere to be seen.

Her gaze stopped on the staircase and she stifled a laugh. Hanging off the pole at the end of a staircase was a bra. "I guess they kissed and made up," she whispered to her mother.

Michelle, upon noticing the abandoned garment, quickly moved to block Sofia's view into the house as the little girl took off her shoes.

"Grandma?" the little girl asked as she put her shoes neatly against the wall beside her other ones.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"I want to see Momma and Mommy."

Michelle nodded and immediately made eye contact with her daughter. "Aunt Grace is... is going to go get them." Shooting Grace a pleading look, her oldest daughter headed in the direction of the staircase.

There she would find two discarded shirts to go along with the bra hanging off the post. Grabbing the clothing, she unhooked the bra that looked an awful lot like her sister's, and bounded up the stairs.


"You're so cute," Jada giggled against Callie. "I love you."

"And I love you."

Still uncontrollably giggling from that insane high Callie brought her to, Jada just let it out. She grabbed the covers and pulled them over herself and her wife to cover their nude bodies. And she pressed an assault of kisses to Callie's lips while still giggling.

"Isn't it sad my mom and sister haven't found someone like I found you?" Jada asked in between kisses while still giggling uncontrollably.

"Totally," Callie replied cooly and joined her wife in giggles.

"It's really sad, isn't it?"

"Mhm," Callie moaned into the kiss. "Very sad."

Just as Jada was about to move on top of Callie, the bedroom door burst open and both women quickly sat up while clutching the covers to their chests.

Jada immediately let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was an adult, her sister to be specific, and not her daughter bursting into their bedroom. And before she could say anything, Jada was greeted by her bra smacking her in the face from across the room.

"Grace, what the fuck!?"

Grace had a smirk appear across her face. "Hey, I just saved you two from a lot of explaining," she teased as she balled up the remaining two shirts and threw them at her sister as well. "Get your asses up, your mini Callie wants to see you." And with that, she turned and left the room.

Jada looked over at Callie. "But baby," she pleaded.

Callie, who had flopped back down onto her back, snaked an arm around her wife's waist and pulled her to her. "Oh," Jada gasped as the kiss assault resumed, but on her lips instead.

"Calliope... we have to get up," Jada muttered in between kisses.

"I don't think we're required to get up yet," she whispered.

"Baby, Sof is gonna come looking for us."

"Then let her," Callie murmured while tracing her lips over Jada's neck.

"Yeah, you're right," Jada replied, barely getting the last word out when Callie softly bit down onto her neck. "You're totally right."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now