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"Calliope, you look upset," Jada pointed out as Callie came back to sit on the couch beside her.

Sofia, and Arizona had already went to bed, and Addison headed home leaving just Callie and Jada to themselves in the living room.

"She's not doing good, Jaelynn," Callie said softly. "It's getting worse."

"She looked and sounded like she was doing better," Jada stated.

"Arizona is very good at hiding things and not communicating her feelings," Callie said. "I'm worried about her."

Jada swallowed. "I am too."

Callie leaned forward and placed her elbows on her knees. Taking a deep breath, she held her face in her hands. "I just... I don't know what to do. I can't bring Kate back and I don't know what to do."

Briefly looking over at Jada, Callie bit her bottom lip and looked toward the floor. "Can we just go to bed?"

Jada held out her hand to stop Callie's advance off the couch. "You have a lot on your chest. Talk to me."

Callie looked back over at her wife and positioned herself back onto the couch. She picked up her knees into her chest and leaned over to lay her head on Jada's shoulder. Jada immediately embraced Callie into her arms and rested her chin on the top of Callie's head.

"When I went to help her tonight, it reminded me so much of her amputation. When I brought her home, she wouldn't talk to me, or even look at me. I promised I wouldn't let them take her leg. I promised," Callie whispered before she began to choke up. "She was dying. And we had to do it to save her life."

"I came to get her for the settlement meeting and she tried to get to the bathroom herself and she didn't make it. So I picked her up and put her in the shower and we just yelled and screamed at each other. I didn't know how to help her and even now I don't feel like I know how to help her."

"We should talk to her about therapy," Jada suggested softly. "Losing someone like that, it's never expected and they can help her cope with the grief better than we can."

"We should."

"Calliope, you are doing the best you can. We all are. You are allowed to grieve too. We all miss Kate and you two were closer than her and I were. Take a deep breath and let yourself grieve."

"I can't, I don't want to put that on you and the baby."

Jada raised an eyebrow and Callie stopped before she was going to add to her statement. "You're right."

"I'm glad I didn't even need to say it," Jada teased softly. "Take a moment for yourself to relax."

Jada let out a deep breath when she felt Callie do so. "You can't save everyone and everything," Jada said softly. "Take a break from being superwoman."

"I'm superwoman now?" Callie asked with a smile.

Jada playfully attempted to wrap her hand around Callie's bicep, but quickly failed. "Yeah, you can't forget about these."

"You telling me you want to fuck or something?" Callie asked with a sly smile.

Jada nodded and smiled. "I do always want to fuck, but your heart is just as strong as your arms, if not stronger. You have a big heart, Calliope, and it's okay to take some time for yourself."

"Thank you, Jaelynn."

"You're welcome," Jada replied. "But, if you do really want to thank me, I think you know what you need to do."

Callie laughed. "Okay, calm down there."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now