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"Just rest."


"Calliope, just rest," Jada said firmly. Callie tried to sit up once again and was stopped by Jada's hand on her chest gently pushing her back down.

"But babe, Sof needs-"

"I can handle it," Jada reassured her wife.

"I don't want you picking her up," Callie protested. "She's too heavy for what you're allowed to lift."

"Calliope, I will be fine," Jada said calmly.

Jada had mixed feelings about her wife's strength. Most of the time, she loved it. But now, was when she hated it. Callie sat right up again and Jada's efforts to push her back down proved futile. Callie easily overpowered her and was on her feet hobbling out of the bedroom.

"Calliope Iphegenia Torres!" Jada yelled as she followed her wife out of their bedroom and down the hall to Sofia's bedroom.

The little girl had been waiting for Callie to come. Because she wanted to sleep in her bunk bed tonight. And every time Callie and Jada tucked Sofia into her bunk bed, the little girl had to be lifted up and in. She could climb up and down on the latter beside the bed with no problem, but it had become a nightly routine every time she decided to sleep up there.

"Momma, I'm ready!" Sofia said happily.

"All right Sofster," Callie said as she picked the little girl up into her arms. Sofia giggled as Callie tossed her up into the air before catching her and spinning her around.

"Say goodnight to Mommy?" Callie slowly made her way over to Jada and turned Sofia in her arms so the little girl could hug her mommy.

"Goodnight Sof," Jada said. "I love you."

"I love you, Mommy!" she exclaimed. "You too, Momma!"

"I love you too," Callie said softly as she lifted Sofia over the rail and set her gently into her bunk bed. "Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight Momma and Mommy."

Jada was waiting in the hallway for her wife to finish up tucking in Sofia. Callie closed the door quietly, and began to hobble back down the hallway to their bedroom. As soon as Callie made it in the bedroom, Jada closed the door right behind her.

"How many times do I have to tell you to rest and let me handle something?" Jada asked aggressively as Callie hobbled her way back over to bed.

"You're not supposed to be lifting anything heavy," Callie replied.

"And you're not supposed to be on that foot a lot," Jada shot back.


"Pulling the 'sweetheart' on me isn't going to work right now, Calliope."

Callie rolled her eyes. "I can walk. You know how crabby Sof will get around bedtime. I can pick her up like that and I didn't hurt myself. You're pregnant, and I don't want you hurting yourself trying to lift her."

"You are not getting it, are you?" Jada asked. "Would you just once listen to me? I know your foot isn't broke. I know you're still in pain. It's not rocket science. But you never listen to me when I tell you to stay off that foot."

"I am the doctor here and I think I know what's best for my foot."

Jada rolled her eyes and stormed out of the bedroom, wishing she could slam the door, but opting to shut it a little loudly. She wanted Callie to know how pissed of she'd made her, but her little girl had just gone to bed.

Heading downstairs, Jada made her way into the kitchen and right to the fridge where she grabbed a water bottle while wishing she could have something more. It wasn't her intention to get in a fight with Callie, but that girl could annoy the ever living crap out of her sometimes.

She was just annoyed that Callie refused to listen to her yet again. Callie's foot injury wasn't the worst injury in the world and she knew Callie could do things. What she didn't want was for Callie to hurt herself even more by pushing that foot too hard.

Mentally scolding herself for letting her emotions get the better of her, Jada headed into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Callie was right, of course. She was pregnant and Sofia was getting heavier and growing taller everyday. The little girl was definitely too heavy for her pregnant body to lift.

Callie's birthday was the day after tomorrow and Jada wasn't happy with herself by staring a fight right before it. She needed Callie to help her get some things ready tomorrow and she planned on tricking Callie into helping her.

Jada let out a deep breath and relaxed into the couch. Once she calmed down a little bit, she was going to head back upstairs and apologize to Callie.


Jada woke up in bed with Callie's arm wrapped tightly around her abdomen. She looked around and shook her head, wondering if she was in a dream. But she wasn't. Jada had no idea how she'd gotten to bed. Did she sleepwalk or something?

"Callie," she immediately called, wanting her wife to confirm that she was actually in bed.

"Hey," Callie said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to Jada's cheek.

"How did I get up here?" Jada asked.

"I came downstairs and got you," Callie answered. "You fell asleep on the couch and I didn't want you to sleep alone."

Jada turned over in Callie's arms and grabbed her face, pulling her in for a hard kiss. "I'm sorry I was a bitch to you earlier," she whispered apologetically.

"Don't apologize," Callie said softly. "We both made good points. Next time, we're going to talk about it together and decide the best course of action."

"You're not pissed at me?"

"No," Callie answered sleepily. "I know I'm quite the piece of work sometimes."

"Rarely," Jada supplied. "You came and got me because you didn't want me to sleep alone?" she asked.

Callie nodded. "I didn't want to go to bed with us fighting either," Callie explained. "I knew you would wake up a little while after I carried you up."

"You know I never don't want to sleep with you," Jada said with a smile as she leaned back over and kissed Callie again. "With the clothes on or off."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now