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Jada felt Callie tense up at her side as they walked towards the car. "Baby, you okay?"

She watched Callie begin looking around, her focus heavily on the taller skyscrapers around them. Callie looked as if she was listening for something, her eyes going back and forth.

"Baby, what do you hear?"

"I hear..." she paused. "There's a fire at the top of this building," Callie said as she pointed toward the nearest skyscraper. "I can hear them screaming."

Jada immediately relieved Callie of her bag. "Do what you need to do."

Callie stepped closer and pressed a soft but gentle kiss to Jada's lips. "Take the car. I'll be right behind you. I love you."

"I love you too."

And with that, Callie turned and began sprinting down the nearest alleyway. When Jada could barely see her, she could see the shadow's of Callie's mask, meaning she had already changed into her suit.

Jada turned and looked at Arizona. "I hate it when she does that. Makes me nervous every time."

"She will be fine," Arizona reassured Jada as they continued to walk. "Being in love with a superhero isn't easy."

"Tell me about it."


After a long days worth of conferences, the few moments Jada enjoyed while she was listening to Callie speak, Jada was just ready to hangout with her wife. She hadn't talked to Callie since she left for the fire earlier, save for a few words between conferences.

Something seemed up with Callie though. She seemed different to Jada, and Jada noticed the more defined muscles underneath her suit jacket. Jada was used to staring at Callie a lot, and this was something new that she hadn't noticed before.

When she finally caught Callie in the kitchen of their hotel room, Jada immediately felt Callie's arms. They felt different. Even Callie's grip was tighter when she moved to hug Jada.

"Thanks for coming today, babe," Callie said happily, startling Jada out of her thoughts. "I'm sorry I was really busy."

Jada nodded. "You're welcome, baby. I always love listening to you talk."

"I love having you there to support me," Callie smiled. "I think today went so much better."

"Because you're awesome," Jada supplied.

"I am awesome," Callie agreed.

When Callie turned to grab a drink out of the fridge, Jada asked, "How was the fire? Did you save everyone?"

"Of course I did," Callie boasted. "It was a little toasty, but I cleared that building fast." She took a sip of water. "I feel really good. I haven't had a good Lynx stretch in a while."

"You look more ripped," Jada added.

"I do?"

"Yeah, it's pretty hot," Jada said with a sly smile.

Callie pulled her sweatshirt over her head and flexed her arms. "Oh yeah, I do. I haven't been working out as much. That's nice."

"It's really hot," Jada repeated. "You're a beast."

"Hell yeah."

"Can you take off your shirt?" Jada asked.

"How about you take it off me?" Callie asked as she picked her arms up above her head.

Jada wasted no time in doing so. She quickly pulled Callie's t-shirt over her head leaving her in just a bra in their hotel kitchen. "Baby, you look so much stronger."

Callie looked down at herself and immediately agreed with her wife. Her biceps were tighter, her shoulder muscles larger and more defining, her abdomen was even more toned than it had been, her chest was tighter than it had been before.

Jada then noticed Callie begun to look extremely pale. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Callie replied while trying to examine herself.

"You look really pale, baby."

"I do feel hot."

"Why don't you lay down for a little bit?" Jada asked as she put Callie's arm around her shoulders. "You might be feeling lightheaded because of the smoke."

Callie nodded and allowed Jada to walk her to their bedroom. Jada gently shut the door behind them and helped Callie over to their bed. "Yeah, baby, you're starting to feel really hot."

"I feel that," Callie admitted as she gently laid down onto the bed. "I'm so sweaty."

"Let me help you."

Before Jada even had a chance to help Callie take off her shirt that she had put back on, Callie had grabbed it above the middle and ripped it clean in half. "Callie!"

Callie looked down at the torn up shirt and up at Jada. "I didn't mean to do that," she said honestly.

Jada didn't even question it when she saw the look on Callie's face. Callie looked scared. "I'm going to lay with you, okay?"

"I would really like that."

When Jada laid down beside Callie, Callie immediately turned onto her side so her back was facing Jada. By now, she had already pulled the torn shirt from her body and was in the process of throwing it onto the floor. At least it wasn't a nice or expensive shirt.

She could see the beads of sweat on Callie's bare skin. "I'm sorry you don't feel good, baby," Jada whispered as she kissed Callie's shoulder. "I'll help you get better."

Jada laid her head down on the pillow and her eyes went wide at what she saw. There was a very dark red mark right on the back of Callie's neck. "Baby, did you get burned?"

"What do you mean?"

"There's a dark mark on the back of your neck. Did you get burned by the fire?'

"I don't think so."

"Did you get bit by something. It kinda looks like a bug bite," Jada said after examining the mark further.

"Not that I know of."

"We need to keep an eye on that," Jada said as she wrapped her arm around Callie's waist. "If you don't feel better when you wake up we need to get you looked at."

See conversations on my profile for story update.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now