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There was no place where Jada would feel more safe and secure then in Callie Torres' arms. Jada had woken up around 2:30 in the morning and laid still and awake in Callie's arms.

Callie's light and soft snores continued to bring Jada comfort against the gentle breeze and the sound of crickets in the woods around them. It was a breezier night then the last time and Jada found herself straining her ears to hear everything around them.

Jada hated camping. Tent camping. Camping in a cabin with running water, that she could do. But tent camping? No.

She often found herself listening way too hard when she had been tent camping before. Jada would never sleep when camping in a tent, and would focus on all the noises around her that she would find it hard to sleep at night. The slightest breeze of the crinkle of leaves on the ground was enough to make the hair on the back of her neck stand up. And she would be paranoid the entire night thinking there were animals or people sneaking around her tent.

Hearing the wind through the windows right now felt a lot like tent camping. But this time, Jada wasn't in a tent. She was in the back of a securely locked Jeep with the love of her life's arms wrapped tightly around her.

Jada took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Everything would be fine and she was working herself up for no reason. They were surrounded by absolute darkness, with the only light coming from the battery pack being used to charge their phones overnight. She had to sleep with a nightlight on at home.

Taking another deep breath, Jada squeezed her eyes shut. The wind was beginning to pick up making all the noises of nature less distinct and recognizable.

She tried to focus her thoughts on Callie. The beautiful brunette was right behind her, and Jada could feel the entirety of Callie's chest pressing up against her back. She could hear Callie breathing and could feel the soft warm breaths on her neck along with the gentle snoring.

Jada was still so appreciative that her wife thought to bring her pillow. Jada herself hadn't even thought of it until Callie was wrapping it around her. Her heart melted at the thought. It was supposed to be Callie's day, and they insisted on a change of plans, which Jada was just as excited for as her wife. But it was Callie's day, and Callie was still taking excellent care of Jada. On a day that was supposed to be all about her, Callie was still putting Jada first.

Since Callie took leave from work, Jada had yet to really do much. Callie cooked, Callie cleaned, and Callie did just about everything save for when Jada forced her to allow her to help. Jada had yet to clean up one of Sofia's messes or fold a clean load of laundry. Callie was turning into even more of a superwoman.

And Callie already made it clear that Jada was going to be pampered even more when the new baby was here. Callie established that Jada's job after giving birth and carrying their child for nine months, was to rest and keep their little girl fed. She would do everything else.

As much as Jada tried to protest, Callie was not having it. She explained that their baby girl would need to eat around every two hours or so and that sleep would only come in short increments. Jada eventually gave up trying to argue with Callie. She knew that if she were in Callie's position and if Callie was the one delivering their baby, she would be doing the same thing.

That just made her love and appreciate Callie even more. That girl was Jada's entire world and she was so lucky to be in love and loved by Calliope Torres.

She opened her eyes for a moment to blink back tears. Jada would forever thank fate for bringing her and Callie together. Because Callie saved her. Had Callie not been there when she came into Jada's life, Jada truly believed that she wouldn't be around today. Not only was Callie her love and her lover, Callie had become who she trusted with her life.

Jada trusted Callie so much from the beginning and it was something she had difficulty attributing to. She couldn't narrow it down to one specific thing, but instead, everything about Callie. Callie was so easy to talk to, she was so caring and kind. Callie was willing to listen, understand, and help Jada in ways she didn't even know she could be helped.

Callie didn't see Jada's anxiety and depression as an obstacle in the way. She saw it as part of Jada and loved her continuously through it as much as Jada sometimes drove her crazy. Jada had been spiraling downhill at the beginning and Callie had reached out and caught her. And she never let her fall.

Not only did Callie bring her endless love and support, Callie literally saved Jada's life. Jada was confident that had Callie not stuck around during the tough times, that she would've chosen death over life.

Callie saved so many lives, but she never saved a life like she did Jada's until she met Jada.

"I love you, Calliope," Jada whispered softly, knowing that Callie would hear her. And to
prove her point, Jada felt Callie's arms tighten around her and she could feel Callie telling her that she loved her.

I love you too.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now