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"Mom, would you be able to watch the girls tonight so I can take Callie on a date?" Jada asked as she headed into the living room. Her mom and and oldest daughter were playing on the floor while Riley slept soundly in her chair.

"Of course honey," Michelle replied as she handed Sofia a remote to one of her trains. "You don't need to ask if I want to spend time with my granddaughters."

"Thanks, because you were the only one I planned on asking. I'm thinking about asking Callie if she wants to go out and we might meet Grace and Luke."

"Your sister is crazy for that boy," Michelle stated.

"I know," Jada said as she came and the couch and saw the masterpiece of a train set her mom and daughter were currently working on. "Hey Sof, that looks awesome."

"Thank you, Mommy!"

"I see you're putting Grandma to work," Jada said with a smile as she watched her mom continue to build an addition to the train tracks.

"Yeah Mommy, Grandma does a great job!" Sofia exclaimed.

"That's quite a compliment, isn't that right, Grandma?" Jada teased. "Momma and I only get a 'good job.'

"Mommy, you do a good job," Sofia added. "Momma does a great job! We build big hills and it's awesome!"

Jada couldn't help but laugh. "I see where I stand."

She continued her path around the massive train epicenter that was being built in the middle of the living room and took a seat on the couch behind her mom.

"I'm happy for Grace though," Jada started after sitting down, switching the conversation back to the earlier topic of her sister. "She deserves a nice guy. Luke is a nice guy. I still don't like the fact he slept with my wife but he's a nice guy and he's a good match for Grace."

"He slept with Callie?" Michelle asked.

Jada nodded. "When I went to rehab the first time I cut Callie off. She took the job offer here and started dating him before I came. It was about a month or so and she said it only happened once."

"I was mad at you for that," Michelle said. "I didn't show it because you were going through so much, but I so was mad that you dumped the best girlfriend you've ever had." She turned around to Jada so that Sofia couldn't hear. "I was pissed."

Jada giggled to herself. "I was an idiot, wasn't I?"

"Mommy, don't call yourself names," Sofia said from across the living room. "That's not nice and you need to be nice to yourself."

"What she said," Michelle added. "I have to sit down and talk with your sister," she continued, once again switching the conversation back to the subject of Grace, a topic they could get off topic with ease. "She needs to figure out what she's going to do if she likes him like she says she does, because it's not fair to him for her to move away for another few years."

"I agree. I told her that she did her time and it's time for her to be closer to us. But, I also don't want her uprooting her life for a guy." Jada then said, "I think Luke is a nice guy and I believe he's in it for the long haul. I hope she's ready for that."

"For sure."


"I forgot what it was like to have fun like this," Jada admitted as she backed into Callie's chest on the crowded bar dance floor.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"It feels like forever ago."

After treating Callie to a fancy dinner, the two went out for the first time in a few months. Although they weren't pounding the drinks, Jada was still having a great time. Her and Callie had two drinks each, but they were going to be on designated driver duty at the rate Grace and Luke were going.

It was a Saturday night and the bar was packed. Jada loved to dance to the loud music, tipsy or not, and even more so when she could grind up against the absolute goddess Callie Torres. That was just awesome.

Grace and Luke danced almost next to them on the packed dance floor and Jada was happy to notice that he was taking notes on her and Callie. Luke currently stood behind Grace with his arms wrapped tightly around her abdomen as they danced, just like Callie was holding Jada.

When the song switched to a faster paced salsa, Jada knew she was a goner. Although she couldn't do it well, it never stopped her from ogling over Callie while she danced.

Callie released her arms from around Jada's abdomen. "You want to dance with me?"

"I think I'll sit this one out. I don't know if I can keep up yet," Jada replied with a smile. "But, I would love to watch you."

She leaned up against the far wall and watched Callie dance in front of her. Although it was a partner dance, Callie would never seek out another dance partner if Jada wasn't up for it.

And when Callie turned around and did an upper body shimmy with her arms extended, Jada knew it was over. She couldn't wait for this evening to be over so she could take Callie home, throw her on the bed, and rip all her clothes off. Because Callie Torres was getting laid tonight.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now