Part 1

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You rolled over in bed and rubbed your eyes, turning to the end table to check the alarm clock. Instant panic struck you as the clock read eight thirty. You threw the covers off of and ran toward the bathroom to shower. Today was the first day of your new job, working for Paul Stanley as an assistant, and of course, you overslept. You showered and got dressed in record time, throwing your hair up in a messy bun. Grabbing your badge for the office, purse, and coffee cup, thankful you had programmed the coffee maker the night before.

"This is going to be a great first impression," You mumbled to yourself, as you locked the door.

You peeled out of the driveway and sped down the road, glancing at the clock on the dash, seeing you had less than ten minutes to get to the office. Trying to ignore the anxious thoughts hitting your head that you would fail Paul and the band, or be fired by lunch time. You pulled into the parking lot five minutes later and walked as quickly as possible, searching in your bag for the required security badge for the building with your free hand. As you reached the door, you collided with someone, spilling your coffee all over them.

"Jesus Christ, pay attention!" A man said,

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You said, looking up at the man,

Your heart dropped to your stomach realizing who the man was in front of you, Paul Stanley. He looked down at his white long sleeve shirt as he fanned it, trying to stop it from sticking to his body. You opened your bag trying to find anything that could help Paul, but he waved you off. Paul crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at you, making your throat go dry. You tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"If you were worried about being late to wherever you are going, maybe next time, try leaving earlier." He scoffed, swiping his badge.

"I'm actually starting my new job today here, as a personal assistant," You stammered.

"God, I hope you're not one of mine," He replied, holding the door open.

You bit your lip and didn't respond to the question as Paul continued to walk through the building to the elevator. Stopping at the security desk, you pulled out your paperwork and handed it to the man. The gentleman nodded his head, picking up the phone to contact human resources. You tried to collect your thoughts, kicking yourself in the ass for already making a terrible impression, and not even being clocked in. You took a sip of coffee, wincing as it burnt your tongue when you noticed two people walking toward you.

"Yeah, I'm probably already getting fired," You mumbled.

"Y/N? I'm Heather, head of human resources, and this is the head of security, Jeff." She said, extending her hand.

"Nice to meet you both. Is there a reason you are with us, Jeff?" You asked, nervously.

"Right now, you just have a temp badge, so you don't have access to all the areas on the band's floor." Jeff replied.

You shook both of their hands and let out a deep sigh, thankful for the moment that you still had a job. The two of them motioned for you to follow them toward the elevator, watching both of them run their badges across the scanner for the doors to open. You looked around and noticed all the cameras and an additional scanner with a keypad. You had heard from various friends that KISS was very serious with the security and business, but this all seemed to be extreme.

"There isn't a retina scanner, is there?" You asked, looking over at Heather.

"Not yet, as long as Jeff keeps his mouth shut about them being available," She replied.

"Hey, they don't want their information leaving certain areas and want to know who has been everywhere. That's what they pay me to do, and technology is always changing my friends." Jeff replied, pressing the sixth floor button on the panel.

The three of you remained silent for the rest of the ride to the band's floor. You crossed your fingers at your side, hoping that by the time you meet Paul again, he would be over the coffee incident. Closing your eyes and saying a silent prayer that this day wouldn't end with you scanning through the wanted ads of the newspaper as the elevator doors opened. Heather patted your shoulder and tilted her head at you.

"Are you nervous?" She asked.

"Oh, you do not know. I don't want to mess this opportunity up, but I heard that the band, especially Paul, can be hard to work for. He has super high expectations for everyone around him." You replied.

"Well, he is the one that picked you. I think you will do just fine and if you need help, ask the other assistants around you." Heather said, stepping off the elevator.

You nodded your head and followed behind the two of them, taking several deep breaths and letting them in and out. Jeff stood next to a single door and folded his arms across his chest, looking annoyed that he had better things to do than to walk you around the building. Looking at the ground, you heard another scan of a badge and followed the man's feet as he walked all the way to the back and stopped. You looked up and saw the name plaque. Heather gave you another reassuring squeeze before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Paul barked behind the door

She opened the door, revealing the singer with no shirt on, ransacking through a coat closet. Paul turned around and rolled his eyes at the sight of you standing in the middle of Heather and Jeff. Jeff nodded to the singer and left the room, leaving you with your new boss and human resources. The singer pointed toward the door in a silent request for one of you to shut it and then turned to his task of finding a new dress shirt.

"Mr. Stanley, this is your new assistant, Y/N. Y/N, Please meet your new boss, Mr. Paul Stanley," Heather said nervously.

"First off, drop the Mr. Stanley bullshit, Heather. We've known each other for a while. Second, Y/N, her hot coffee and I have met. Hence the reason I'm standing in front of two attractive women with no shirt on. Her coffee kinda fucked up my white dress shirt, and I have a tv interview in about an hour," Paul said, over his shoulder.

"Again, Mr. Stanley, I mean Paul, I'm very sorry that I was running late and didn't want to give the wrong impression on my very first day." You replied, looking at the ground.

"Heather, you can address me as Paul. You can call me Paul when I know you'll last more than a few hours and not spill coffee all over me. Is there anything else you need from her, or can she actually work now?" Paul turned back around and asked the woman.

"She is all yours, Paul. You both have a great day, and Y/N please check in with me before you leave tonight.." She replied, rushing out the door.

Anxiety hit you in the chest hard as you watched Heather practically run out of the office to get away from the man. If someone that had known the singer for years feared him, then you weren't even sure you would make it through the first three hours of the day. The sound of Paul clearing his throat pulled your attention to him. He had his lips pursed and buttoned up a long sleeve black dress shirt, turning to the mirror and checking himself out.

"Nope, this won't do at all. I need you to go out and get a white dress shirt that will match these slacks and shoes. The assistant credit card is in the drawer." Paul said, pointing toward the desk.

"What size do you need, sir?" you asked, walking toward the desk.

"Look at me, what size shirt do you think I need, Y/N?" the singer asked

"Is there any certain place I should go for the shirt? I don't want you to look bad, Mr. Stanley," You replied, grabbing the card.

"Stop with the chitchat and go do what I asked you to do. That card isn't for your own shopping either. Get the shirt and get your ass back here before I have to go on camera," Paul snapped, turning back toward the mirror.

You took one more look at him and darted out the door, trying to focus on buying a shirt that would actually fit your boss and not drool over having a front-row seat of the singer's bare upper body. 

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