The next steps

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You sit down in the sofa with a sigh. You had been moving and unpacking boxes from the moving van for the past hour and a half, and to be quite honest you were sick of it.
You had landed in Japan about 5 hours ago, and to your surprise there were two people waiting for you. One of them were a tall man with long black hair and a grey scarf around his neck, but inside of his scarf was a white mouse with a little suit on. You would have been confused if you didn't know you were already meeting them. The whole way off the plane you had been unconsciously stimming by tapping your middle finger and thumb together to try and calm your nerves about talking to people you didn't know, but it is not like you have a choice about it.
When they saw you, and you saw them you had a calm face but underneath you were shitting yourself, and you were pretty sure that they saw your tapping your fingers together they looked at each other and said something, but you were too far away to hear, and they walked up to you.
"Miss L/N?"
The man with the black hair asked
"T-Thats me"
Oh for Christ sake Y/N, way to go, great first impression. This was starting to get too much for you, and the two men noticed your change in mood
"Let's go outside, it's less busy out there"
The black haired man said and you all started to walk outside, and you were thanking him in your mind for noticing your anxiousness. You made your way outside and found a bench out front and walked to it and sat on it, your leg immediately bouncing. When you sat down the white mouse in the man's scarf jumped down and walked towards you.
"Now Miss L/N, is it better out here?"
He asked in an upbeat voice, it calmed you down a bit.
You just nodded, not being able to talk at that moment in time.
"Well I'm sure you know the living arrangements for the next three months"
You nodded again feeling more calmer than before.
"We will be escorting you to your apartment and then we will tell you about the school you will be temporarily attending till the entrance exam"
The mouse said and you face faltered slightly.
'I'll going back to school! Really!? I just bloody left school!'
You internally screamed, who get's out of one school and goes into another one!
"I see that you are not pleased with the fact that you are going back to school Miss L/N, but I'm sure you are aware that the law states-"
"States that you are required to stay in some form of education till you are 18. I'm already aware"
You interpreted the mouse, the two males were shocked that you spoke, especially since it was interrupting the principal. You noticed their faces and immediately regretted what you said, you started hitting the balls of your hands together.
"Sorry if I came across as rude sir..."
You apologized and bowed your head still hitting your hands together.
"That's quite alright, but if you can try and refrain from interrupting people in the future, not everyone knows your situation and they might not understand why you interpreted them"
The mouse said, you lifted your head and looked at the mouse first then the other man, studying their features intently, but never looking as them in their eyes cause eye contact made you uncomfortable.
"If you don't mind me saying, but I think that we should get going"
The long haired man spoke finally, you quickly stood up.
"Sorry if I held us up"
You said quietly bowing again.
"The car just arrived, it's not your fault"
The long haired man said with concern in his voice. You straightened your posture again and the three of you walked to the car.

You sighed and looked at the price of paper that the two males gave you earlier.
"Aldera Junior High... God what is wrong in just saying secondary school. I hope it isn't too busy there or I'm gonna loose my shit"
You closed your eyes and pictured the school. It was big, but not as big as your previous secondary school. There were rows upon rows of classrooms, it's like a god dam prison. The two teachers the brought you to the school, talked to the teacher of the class that you would be joining and they enlightened him to the fact that you're disabled and he seemed disinterested with you when they mentioned it. After this you all had a little look around the school and left just as the students were allowed to leave school for the day.
'Lord all mighty there are so many people with powerful quirks in Japan, I'm never gonna make it into UA'
You  thought, and whilst you were having a little breakdown outside. But then someone proper barged your shoulder out of the way.
"Move it weirdo"
He said in an agitated tone.
"Well excuse you...blond bastard"
You muttered under your breath... but unfortunately he still heard and was about to go ape shit on you but the black hair man, who you found out was called Mr  Aizawa, said that you were going to the apartment you were staying in, and you took that as your que to get the hell out of there before it all goes to shit before you had event moved into your apartment.

So here you are now sitting on a sofa with boxes and your belongings scattered everywhere, and you started to organize all of your stuff because if you didn't:
1. It would never get done
2. It would eventually be too overwhelming to deal with and you will end up breaking down because of it
So you were organizing and tidying your apartment for another good two hours before you were done with everything. You had managed to set up all of you gaming equipment: your Xbox, PS2, and VR headset (I actually have these in real life) you decided that you would play Monster Rumble on the PS2 cause it would make you feel more at home if you did.
(Monster Rumble was like my childhood, that is the best game I have ever played)

(Monster Rumble was like my childhood, that is the best game I have ever played)

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(This is the game if anyone was wondering)

You probably played the game for about an hour when you got a video call from your parents.

"Hiya Y/N, are you settling okay?"
Your mum said in a happy tone.
"Well one things for sure is that it is bloody annoying that I have to go back to school, I just finished school"
You replied in an irritated tone, their faces faltered for a second but not before your dad looked at your mum and a smile crept onto his face.
"What, is my suffering funny to you?"
You said after looking at their happy faces.
"Well you know since that you like a drink every so often"
Your dad started, and you gave him a confused look but motioned for him to continue.
"And since that you are going underaged and can't buy alcohol, we decided that we would order some and send them to your apartment!"
You dad exclaimed excitedly, your face immediately lit up and started doing a little happy dance with your feet.
"You are literally the best people ever!"
You yelled, and your parents noticed your happiness and made them smile even wider.
"It will be delivered at the end of every month, and we will make sure to include your favorites"
Your mum said, this made do a little happy noise and your feet still doing their little happy dance.
"Smirnoff Ice, Pimm's, and Kopparberg cider. And make sure to get the strawberry and lime cider, that one is my absolute favorite"
You said and they both nodded.
"Well I think they you should go to bed now, it's pretty late there isn't it"
Your dad said, and this made look at the clock you put in the wall earlier and low and behold it is 10 pm.
"Eh it's not that late, but I'll respect your wishes this onece"
You said this with a cheeky smile. You were never the best sleeper, you could thank the autism for that, but you were tired from the eventful day and you were getting tired.
"We'll let you go then, love you"
Your mum said and both of your parents waved.
"Bye, love you"
You said waiving, then hung up the call. You got up off of the sofa and turned off the PS2 and turned the lights off in the living room and made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and go to the toilet before be, cause you don't like getting up in the middle of the night. After that you turned off the bathroom lights and made your way to your bedroom and got into your sensory safe pj's and got into bed, but not before turning on your diffuser and adding lavender spray to your pillow and grabbing your childhood teddys and turning off the lamp and slowly drifting to sleep...but not before thinking back to earlier when you insulted the blonde boy earlier, and making you smile and chuckle a bit, then falling asleep, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

Good morning starshine, the world says hello 👋
I hope you are enjoying this so far and make sure to tell me what you think needs to be improved and I'll make sure to fix the problem.

Bakugo X Autistic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now