Internships and Hero Names

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You were interrupted from the land of slumber by something touching your hand. You opened your eyes slowly and saw that Katsuki was awake and tracing the scars that were on your hand
"Do you want a pen to connect them?"
You asked sleepily and he shook his head
"Na, you'll just have to wash it off later. But how did you get all of these?"
He ponder and you sat up slowly, straddling his waist and stretched
"I got them from a cat"
You yawned
"You have a cat?"
He questioned and you sighed while looking at your hands
"Sadly no, it's my grandma's cat. I piss of cat, cat attack me, and then whenever I see cat again, process repeats"
You explained
"Don't you think scars are just impurities?"
He enquired and you shook your head enthusiastically
"No not at all. I love them, don't know why, but I do"
You exclaimed and he laughed at you
"I think scars shows that someone isn't boring"
He said while also sitting up
"Do you have any scars?"
You asked and he shook his head
"Your boring"
You said with a smile and his hands started sparking
He yelled and you started running away from him and he ran after you.

You ran into the living room and he tackled you to onto the sofa, trapping you so you can't escape
"Wanna say that again?"
He taunted and you looked at him snarkily
"What will happen if I do say it again?"
You taunted and he smirked
"If your so curious, why don't you find out"
He snarked back and you rolled your eyes playfully
"Christ your so boring. Can't even-"
You were cut off by a very passionate kiss that neither of you wanted to break it, but were interrupted by your phone alarm going off
"That damned phone"
You mumbled under your breath and tried to stand up but were forcefully pinned down
"Not so fast doll, I'm not finished with you yet~"
He purred and you flushed pink while using a cloud to quickly turn the alarm off
"Now, where were we-"
He was interrupted by and enthusiastic knock at the door
"Oh for fuck sake..."
He hissed while unlocking the front door and flinging it open.

"Bakugo? What are you doing here?"
A woman's voice questioned and you sat up in the sofa and looked towards the door
"Mina, why are you here? I never told you where I lived"
You asked skeptically and she skipped towards you, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your bedroom
"That doesn't matter, now where is your room- ah! Here it is!"
Mina said excitedly while pulling you into your room and opening your wardrobe to get your uniform out. You quickly walked into the living room and saw Katsuki looking at his phone
"Okay, you go home and get changed, I'll meet you outside your house"
You explained and he nodded while walking towards you, giving you a kiss on the nose
"See you later, doll"
He said and walked out the door and shut it behind him. You heard a sequel behind you and turned to see Mina jumpin up and down
"Eeek! How cute!"
She squealed and you scoffed lightly
"Calm your tits, it's not that bag of a deal"
You said nonchalantly while waking to your room, Mina following you hot on your tail
"But it so is! He has a heart of stone, and you have a heart of gold. Polar opposites!"
She explained and you turned around, to get changed
"I wouldn't say heart of stone, more like magma. Extremely dangerous, but with the right equipment, it's beautiful"
You explained and turned around with a very smug looking Mina
You asked and walked towards you and leaned close to your ear
"I think your in love~"
She sang and you took a step backwards
"L-Love?! Are you sure?!"
You exclaimed, cursing yourself and your piss poor way of recognizing emotions. She nodded enthusiastically
She said while popping the 'P', you sighed and sat on your bed while putting your head in your hands
"I am that stupid I can't even recognize normal emotions"
You mumbled and Mina walked towards you and gave you a hug
"Oh babes, don't worry. Your not stupid, I'm just hypersensitive to this type of thing"
She explained and you nodded while standing up
"I'm gonna brush my teeth then we can smoke this joint"
You said with a smile and she smiled nervously
"Then we can leave"
You rephrased and she finally understood, you laughed lightly at her while walking out of the room.

Bakugo X Autistic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now