Well this is unexpected

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You Made your way back to your apartment, and decided that you were going to start cooking tea. You were still full of adrenaline even after the attack was over, so you got out the ingredients to make pesto pasta and put on a 'Best songs of the 2000' playlist on the Google speaker, because that playlist always gets you moving.

It had been about 10 minutes and the pasta was cooking and you were dancing in the kitchen with a wooden spoon for a microphone, and you were singing to 'Bang Bang' by K'NAAN. The windows were open, and people could most likely hear you singing your heart out, but you didn't have a single fuck to give

~She was walkin' around with a loaded shotgun~

~Ready to fire me a hot one~
~It went bang, bang, bang straight through my heart (straight through my heart)~
~Although I could have walked away~
~I stood my ground and let her spray~
~She shot me, she shot me~
~Bang, bang, she shot me~
~She shot me, she shot me~
~Bang, bang, she shot me~
~She shot me, she shot me~
~Bang, bang, she shot me~
~She shot me, she shot me~
~Bang, bang~

And you were about to start singing the next verse of the song when your phone got a notification and it momentarily dulled the music because it was connected to your phone. So you turned down the music and leaned against the counter looking at the notification and saw that it was a message from a random number.


Meet me at the corner shop
tomorrow at 6:00 am. Don't
be late or the deal is off

Ummm, sorry but do I know
you from somewhere?

know you from somewhere?'

Well I'm sorry you blonde
bastard, but it looks a bit
weird getting a message from
a random number saying to
meet them at the corner shop,

Blond bastard
Well you wanted me to train
you, so you are training
whenever I train

Whatever, just be prepared
for me looking like a zombie

Blonde bastard
You look like shit anyway
so it won't be much different
from your usual look, you
might even look better


Blonde bastard
Read at 6:47 pm

"Well that was rude of him, but what do you expect from a blonde person"
You sighed. You finished making the pasta, plated yourself some and put the rest in plastic containers for a future time.

You sat down at the table and started eating your tea. Just sitting there in silence made you feel so lonely and isolated, and the fact that your friends didn't message you made you feel even worse. You looked at the date and it said 'December 3rd'.

"Wow, I guess I have been here for nearly a month now, and it's coming up to Christmas...the first Christmas I will be spending alone, I should get use to it because it probably won't be the last"

~I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater~
~You said it looked better on me than it did you~
~Only if you knew how much I liked you
But I watch your eyes as she walks by~
~What a sight for sore eyes~
~Brighter than the blue sky~
~She's got you mesmerized while I die~
~Why would you ever kiss me?~
~I'm not even half as pretty~
~You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester~
~But you like her better~
~Wish I were Heather~

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