Planning for the festival

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You quickly entered your room and Katsuki was asleep in your bed, snuggled up with Luna and you put your bag back on the hook it was in earlier and saw that your door wasn't fully closed and when you pushed it closed and turned back around, Katsuki was looking at you with one eye.

"It's 7:30 PM. Where the fuck, have you been?"
Katsuki asked in a gruff voice since he was just woken up and you looked away from him, biting your nail while holding Otis with your other arm.

"Train got delayed. Sorry"
You mumbled and he sighed and drew back the covers for you to get in bed.

You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge of it, still feeling anxious about the festival and performance your class was going to be doing.

He pulled you down by the back of your shirt so you were laying down on top of his legs, to which he sat up and looked down at you.

"Somethings up. What is it?"
He asked and you hid your face behind Otis.

You mumbled and he pried one of your hands off of Otis and linked his pinkie with yours, and touched your thumbs together.

You sighed and slowly moved Otis from your face and looked at the upsidedown Katsuki above you, blinking at him and he brought your hand up to his lips and kissed the back of his hand.

"So, what's up?"
He asked again and you looked away from him and bit your lip.

"I'm just worried about the festival"
You mumbled and he let go of your hand, touching your headphones and when you didn't react, he took them off your head and started to stroke your hair.

"If you keep thinking about it, your just going to get yourself more worked up about it. And you don't have to take part of you don't want to"
He said and you put Otis over your face again yelled out in frustration.

"But I do have to do it, because Eri is going to be there"
You said and moved Otis from your face and looked at Katsuki again.

"I just don't want to make a fool out of myself"
You mumbled and sat up, rubbing you eyes and you felt his arms wrap around your waist and pulled you towards him.

You were sat in-between his legs and he started to kiss the back of your neck, not hard enough to give you a hickey, but hard enough so you could feel it.
He pulled away from your neck and rested his chin on your shoulder.

"I know you won't make fool out of yourself, you need to have faith in what you can do, not what you can't"
You couldn't help but smile at his words and you tilted your head to the side and rested it on top of his.

"I really do love you"
You smiled and since he still had his arms around your waist, he squeezed you tighter.

"Just remember, I'm always here to help you when you need it. What boyfriend would I be if I didn't help?"
He said rhetorically and you put your hands on top of his, allowing Otis to rest in your lap.

"But I still want to help you out"
You said and he shrugged, moving his head to the side and his hair tickled your face.

"I'm just too good for help"
He boasted and you sighed, Katsuki lifting his head off your shoulder and you moved your head out of the way to make it easier for him to move.

He leaned back and pulled you down with him, laying down in your bed and you pulled the covers over you, using your quirk to turn off the lights and felt Luna crawl onto your lap and you all feel asleep together.

Thursday evening when you came back to the dorms after the extra lessons, you checked your phone and there was a message in the 'Baku-squad 💥' group chat, which was a video of Katsuki playing the drums, and it's safe to say that your jaw made it back to the dorms before you did.

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