Lunch, Love and First Encounters

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
God that noise was annoying. You slowly opened your eyes and immediately closed them again, the blinding lights form the roof was like an interrogation light, it was almost enough to give you a migraine.
You felt both of your hands being held. Extremely slowly, you opend your eyes and tilted your head to the left and saw your dad, and you the right you saw your mum
"Mum? Dad?"
You croaked out and they both lifted their heads up tears already steaming down their faces
Your mum yelled and wrapped her arms around you and your dad doing the same
"We're all so glad your okay"
Your mum cries and you weakly looked at her
You asked and they both let go of you and looked towards the corner of the room, and when you followed their eyes, you saw Charlotte, Izzy, Cady, Katie and Ruby sitting on armchairs and the sofa asleep
You had to held back tears but you were smiling.
You put two fingers in your mouth and did a loud whistle, waking all of your friends up and scaring them to death
"What the- Y/N!!!"
Charlotte yelled and ran towards you, capturing you in a well deserved hug and the rest of your friends joined her
"I love you guys, I'm so sorry I scared you"
You cried and this lead to a ground crying session
"We love you too"
Izzy cried and held onto you tighter.

You all cried for a little while before they were all standing on either side of your bed, your parents had stepped out for a minute so it was just you and your friends
"I know you all flew here, but how could you all afford it?"
You asked and Izzy took her phone out of her picked and showed it to you, and you eyes widened
You yelled and Izzy nodded excitedly
She said while popping the 'P'
"We all were contacted by someone called Eraserhead and toldy us what happened with you being kidnapped and injured when you were rescued. Even though we were all intently watching the fight between...All Might?"
Cady said and you nodded
"And the guy who called told us to meet at Manchester airport and when we arrived there was this really fit guy with red wings waiting for us. It was his private jet we traveled on, but he didn't get on the jet with us, he literally FLEW back here"
Cady explained and you put your head in your hands
"What's wrong, do you feel ill?"
Katie asked and you sighed
"No I don't, but the guy with the wings, that Hawks, the guy I interned with"
And as soon as the words left your mouth, they all squealed, and you covered your ears, scowling at them
"This is no time to be autistic Y/N, you interned with the fittest hero ever!"
Charlotte said and you put your hands down and laid down
"I mean yeah he's fit, but
1. I have a boyfriend
2. He's kinda full of himself"
You explained and the door opened and when you saw who it was, you paled. Hawks.
"Heyo Cloud Nine, glad to see your recovering well"
Hawks smiled and your friends were very pink.
You had learned that recovery girl healed all your broken bones and stitched up your leg, but you'll have a scar there which made you happy to have another scar
"I'm glad that I was only left with a couple scars"
You sighed and Hawks stopped next to your bed
"Thank you Hawks, for bringing my friends and family here, I'll definitely make it up to you"
You bowed and he put a hand on your shoulder
"You don't have-"
"Sorry to interrupt"
Charlotte interrupted, you and Hawks looked at her
"But we have know Y/N for long enough to know that no matter how hard we try and say that she doesn't have to make it up to us, she goes and bloody does it anyway"
Charlotte sighed and you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly
"Your not wrong"
You smiled awkwardly and Hawks took his hand off you should
"I'll be long forward to what you come up with"
He smiled and walked out of the room, and when he shut the door, your friend were jumping up and down
"What in the kangaroo fuck is going on?"
You asked and they all looked as you with pink faces
"He's so fit, it's unreal"
Cady said and they all nodded
"I mean, the stubble is nice"
Ruby said and they all nodded
"But his hands though"
Izzy said and they all walked over to the sofa and armchairs again, slumping down onto them
You coughed and Cady raised an eyebrow up at you
"Says the one who has a boyfriend"
Cady retorted and you put your hands up in defense
You smiled and your parents walked back into the room
"Y/N, we have just talked to your teacher and he said that you will be moving into school dorms"
Your dad explained and you were quite surprised
"What about the apartment?"
You asked and they smiled
"There is no need for it anymore so we're selling it"
Your mum exclaimed and you smiled at her sadly
"I did live quite close to Katsuki's house, so it is a shame"
You sighed and your parents looked at each other
You asked and they looked at you
"We still need to meet the guy, halfwit"
Your dad said and your mum hit him on the back of the head
"Shut up Roger"
She scolded which made you laugh.

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