A friend?

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To put it at point blank, you did the turn up on Sunday. And so far, you both have been training at 6 am every Saturday and Sunday till midday, and from 3 pm till 6 pm on weekdays from nearly three weeks now. And now it is the 24th of December and it was the last day of school before the winter holidays.

You and Bakugo don't talk in school, he said he didn't want people to suspect that he was training you, but you saw through his lies. You knew that the real reason why he didn't want to talk to you in school is because he didn't want people to think that he was friends with the weird British girl who always carys around a stuffed toy around with her and has a breakdown whenever there is a big crowd. And even though it hurt, you could understand his reasoning.

You had already sent out the presents for your family and friends at home, and so far you haven't heard anything back from them yet, and it was starting to make you anxious that the packages wouldn't make it in time for tomorrow. But you tried to nit let it bother you too much.

You gave Principal Nezu and Mr Aizawa their presents last time they visited your apartment to check on you, and they were very grateful for it, and you told them to only open them in Christmas, and they agreed.

So now all you had to do was give the remaining three presents to the teacher, Midoriya and Bakugo. You would give the presents to the teacher at the end of the day and you would give Bakugo his later, but how would you give Midoriya his?

The final bell of the day went and and people fled from the classroom as if it were on fire, but you were going to give the teacher his present so you were waiting till everyone left to give him his. But when everyone left you noticed Midoriya was just sitting at his desk, zoned out. And you took as this as your chance to give him his gift. So you grabbed his gift in one hand and your bag in the other, and walked towards him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey Midoriya, you back with us?"
You asked him smiling
"Huh? Was I zoned out? Sorry..."
He apologize, rubbing the back of his neck
"It's fine, I can see that your working really hard lately. And since it's Christmas I made you a present"
You said handing him the gift, his eyes widen and his eyes welled up with tears
"R-Really? You made this for me? Oh L/N your too kind, no one has ever given me a gift before"
He said crying, he had the gift in one hand and he used the other to wipe his tears. You smiled softly to him
"Well, you better get used to it, cause we are both going to get into UA and I'll make you gifts every Christmas and birthday. Just you wait"
You said enthusiastically, and he smiled back at you
"I'll be looking forward to it"
He said, then walked out of the classroom.

"Hey L/N, what are you still double here, go home"
The teacher said, and you grabbed his present and walked towards his desk
"Sorry sir, but I just wanted to give you this as a thank you allowing me to join your class so late in the term, and for just putting up with me in general. Cause I know you don't like me that much, and I know dealing with someone with as many problems as me is hard, but just trust me, I'll make it into UA and and make the school proud. Have a great Christmas sir!"
I said walking out of the room, feeling somewhat lighter after telling him how I really think about him, and I don't care what he thinks about me, and all I know is that I'm going to get into UA and prove everyone who didn't believe in me wrong.

You got your coat and scarf out of your locker and put it on before walking out of the door and you were met with a slightly snow covered Bakugo.
"Bitch, what took you so long"
His speech was muffled cause his mouth and nose was buried deep into his scarf
"I had to deal with something first, but I'm here now. Let's go"
You said walking away and he quickly caught up to you and started walking in line with you.

You both walked in comfortable silence untill you made it to the outside of your apartment.
"I don't know about you, but I'm in no mood to train today and you probably want to spent the next couple days with your family, right?"
He asked while turning to you. Your face fell, and the reason for this was cause no matter how much you wished that you could be with your family this Christmas, you knew that there was no chance in that happening.
"Did I say something wrong?"
He asked, this made your eyes widen and you frantically waved you hands side to side
"No of course not, it's just that I have a present coming for them and it hasn't arrived yet and it's worrying me that it won't arrive on time"
You said with a sigh, and Bakugo flicked your forehead
"Stop moping, it will be fine. You worry too much about worthless things, it's not a good look for you"
He said teasingly with a smirk, you were rubbing your forehead
"Whatever you blonde bastard. Oh yeah, I have something for you"
You said, while getting his gift out of your bag and handing it to him
"...Your giving me a gift? Why?"
He said, while looking as if he was Sherlock Holmes trying to solve an unsolved case
"Cause I class you as a friend, and even if you don't, I still do. And I make things for people I care about, so here you go"
You said smiling at him, and he took the gift , and it was hard to see with the scarf on his face, but there definitely was a blushing
"Have a good Christmas Bakugo"
You said while walking towards your door and waving at him
"You too L/N"
He mumble quietly, but you herd and you looked back at him and smiled, with a blush on your face too

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