Final Exams

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"Nom nom nom"
You said as you ate your lunch, Katsuki had to hold in his laughter whereas Mina, Sero, Denki and Kirishima were all laughing out loud
"You enjoying that Y/N?"
Denki asked while snickering which you nodded enthusiastically
"Yup! I love-"
You were cut off by a forceful elbow to the back of the head. You quickly turned around and saw the blon guy that insulted you the other day
"Sorry, your big head was in the way, I couldn't miss it"
He snarked and you smirked at him
"Ooh! Ouch! Such an insult! Let me know when you come up with something more creative you sack of poorly packaged horse shit!"
You yelled out to him and he recoiled
"You discussing fiend!"
He yelled back and he stormed away and you lifted your hand up in the air and did the wanker hand jester behind his back, then you turned back to the table and everyone looked at you with slack jaws
" really showed him..."
Sero said and the other three nodded, you felt a nudge on your leg and you turned to Katsuki who had a wide smirk on his face
"That was very attractive, I guess I taught you well"
He said and kissed the side of your head
You said with a smile and Mina, Sero, Denki and Kirishima all awkwardly held up their drinks
"What are you guys doing?"
You asked felling like you had missed something important
"You said cheers, so we're waiting to cheers each other"
Denki said, you and Katsuki looked at each other before keeling over in laugher
Denki yelled and you collect yourself, wiping your tears away
"Cheers means thanks"
You explained and they awkwardly put their drinks down
"You guys didn't have a Scooby Doo what I was on about did you"
You said and they all looked at you as if you were mental
Mina exclaimed leading to you and Katsuki to laugh hysterically again
"It's cockney rhyming slang!"
Katsuki exclaimed and they looked at him weird
"It's what?"
Kirishima asked and you took a sip of your drink
"Cockney rhyming slang. For example 'Apples and pairs' means stairs 'Scooby Doo' means clue. Do you get it now?"
You explained and they nodded
"That's good"
You said while continuing to eat your lunch when you felt a hand on your thigh, you flushed pink and looked at Katsuki, who had a devious smirk on his face
"Sly bastard..."
You mumbled under your breath and he took the hand of your thigh and put it stop your shoulder
"My girl"
He whispered in your ear before kissing below your ear, which made something bloom in your stomach. Heat flushed to your face and when he pulled away he took notice of your flushed face
"You like that don't you~"
He said seductively in your ear before kissing below your ear again, you had quickly brought a hand to your mouth to prevent any noises escaping your mouth
"I'll take note of this jewel of information for the future"
He whispered while pulling away, the four others weren't looking at the intersection unfurling infront of them, which made you sigh in relief.
The lunch bell rang and you all stood up
"Let's do this practical exam!"
You exclaimed while taking your tray to the clean up station
"And let's get to the summer camp!"
Mina exclaimed and you all walked to class.

"Uhhhhh...Why are all the teachers here?"
Jiro asked and you smirked at her obliviousness to the practical exam
"These practical exam will participate in pairs, and those pairs will be up against one of our teachers!"
Principal Nezu exclaimed while popping out of Mr Aizawa's scarf and climbing down
"You already have been allocated pairs and who you are fighting"
Mr Aizawa said and then revealed the teams:

Team 1 : Kirishima and Sato -> Cementoss
Team 2 : Asui and Tokoyami -> Ectoplasm
Team 3 : Ojiro and Iida -> Power Loader
Team 4 : Yaoyorozu and Todoroki -> Erasers Head
Team 5 : Uraraka and Aoyama -> 13
Team 6 : Mina and Karminari -> Principal Nezu
Team 7 : Jiro and L/N -> Present Mic
Team 8 : Hagakure and Shoji -> Snipe
Team 9 : Sero and Mineta -> Midnight
Team 10 : Midoriya and Bakugo -> All Might

Katsuki yelled while looking at Midoriya and All Might fell from the sky
"You both have to work together if you want to pass the exam"
All Might said in a sinister voice, and Principal Nezu stepped forward
"You'll each have 30 minutes to put these handcuffs on your teacher, or you can escape from the combat stage to win"
Principal Nezu explained while holding up some handcuffs
"This is going to be way different to the entrance exam, since we're so much better that you"
Present Mic said and you looked at him with your head tilted to the side
"Better? Really? Wait, aren't you just the announcer?"
You questioned and Present Mic looked offended
"Hey! Whatchu your mouth girl! Have some respect!"
He exclaimed and Mr Aizawa snickerd at your encounter with him
"If you think you can fight, then fight. But if you think you can't fight, then run"
13 explained and All Might took something out of his pocket
"You might think that you don't have a chance against us, but these weights will slow us down and decrease our stamina"
All Might said while the teachers put the weighs on their wrists and ankles
"Kirishima and Sato, your up first. Everyone else can either strategize with your partners about your exams, or watch the match in the observation room"
Mr Aizawa said and the teachers walked inside the building infront of you.

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