First impressions of you

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As you took a throwing stance, you though of what would make everyone's jaws drop. And that's when it hit you.
You engulfed the softball in cloud and thew it is hard as you could, and you controlled the softball up into the sky, then completely turning the softball into an actual cloud.
You looked towards Mr Aizawa and he held up the device that was supposed to show your newest score. And your eyes widened when you saw the infinity symbol instead of number.
"She got infinity!!!"
Most of the class yelled in surprise, and you quickly made your way back to Katsuki and he handed Otis back to you
"Woah, when you look at her, you wouldn't think that she would be able to do something as impressive as that"
Said the same yellow hair boy form earlier
"I wanna go! That looked like fun!"
Said the literal definition of pink, she had pink hair, pink skin, yellow horns, and the usual whites of an eye were black with yellow irises.
"This is what I'm takin' about, usin' our quirks as much as we want!"
Said Sero and Mr Aizawa looked at you all with serious eyes

"So this looks fun, huh?"
He questioned and the class looked at him confused
"You have three years to be become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and playtime?"
And some students sighed, realizing what he was talking about, causing him to smirk evilly
"Idiots. Today you'll complete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately"
He finished, and everyone yelled in disbelief, you however didn't buy that threat for a second. No matter how scary, it threatening he may look, his words were empty threat. You could tell they from his tone of voice. It was like a special autistic power of yours.

"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand?"
He said and everyone started to look determined, and you hugged Otis tighter, ready for the challenge ahead
"If that is a problem, you can head home right now"
You looked over at Katsuki and you saw that he was smirking like a maniac, and when he saw you, you copied his exact face, making him blush a little
"You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, this is t fair!"
The brown haired girl complained and Mr Aizawa was about to say something, but you cut him off
"So what is fair, huh? Natural disasters? Villain attacks? Bullying? News flash sweetheart, life ain't fair. So I would suggest you grow a pair and stop complaining"
You said sternly and everyone gave you a look, and you froze, immediately regretting what you said. You looked over at Mr Aizawa and he was smiling at you
"Well, she isn't wrong you know. The world is unfair, and it's a hero's job to try and combat that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond, Plus Ultra-style"
He said and he looked at you
"Show me it's no mistake that you're here"
And this made completely fired you up, you were ready to show these bastards what you were really made of.
"Now then. Were just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin"
Mr Aizawa said. And with that, the quirk assessment tests began.

The first test was a 50-meter dash. You used your quirk in your feet to make you run faster, and you ended up getting 3.57 seconds.

The second test was grip strength. You couldn't really use your quirk on this one, so you griped it as strong as you could, and got 98.00 kg. Which definitely impressed you for sure.

The third test was a standing long jump. You used your quick on your feet again, and like some other people did already, jumped over the sand area, landing on the ground over it.

The fourth test was repeated side steps. And for this one you made two clouds at either sides of the lines and made your feel lighter, which made you quickly bounce back and forth off of the clouds, getting 137 steps in a minute.

The fifth test was the ball throw. Since you and Katsuki had already done this test, you both sat out and watched everyone else. Katsuki was leaning against the wall, you were standing adjacent to him, feeling very over stimulated at that minute, but you didn't exactly know why, it might have been the uniform, but you don't really know. So you had balled your hands into tight fists, digging your nails into your palm,  waving your hands up and down, while bouncing on the balls of your feet. Katsuki was looking at you, quite concerned, since you have never done this before.
"You good? What's going on?"
He asked quietly, and you tried to speak, but you couldn't. He sighed and grabbed Otis and your water bottle off the ground and motion you to follow him. He lead you round the corner of the school building, you could still see the class, so you weren't too far away from everyone else, but this area was shaded.
"I know you can't speak, but if you can, try and show me how I can help"
He said in a calming voice, and you made grabby hands towards Otis, and he handed you Otis, and using both hands, you pressed him to your forehead, taking some deep breaths. You leaned back and slowly slid down the wall and sat on the ground.
"I just can't be normal, can I? Heck, I'm just a stupid little speccy who can't even handle a simple polyester outfit"
You laughed dryly at yourself, and Katsuki crouched down next to you.

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