Summer Camp

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"Good morning everyone. Place your bags down next to the bus and take your seats"
Mr Aizawa yawned while the whole class was either really energized, or still half asleep. And you fell into the half asleep category
"Y/N, it's time to make a move"
Mina snapped her fingers infront of your face and you yawned
"This is a new guy"
She pointed to the different squishmallow you were holding and you both made your way to the bus to drop off your bags
"I didn't want to risk loosing Otis, so this is spud"
You sleepily said while taking the backpack off your backpack and placed it onto the floor
"Why is he called spud?"
She asked while putting her bag on the ground, you turned him around and showed her his back
"He's brown and looks like a potato. So he's called spud"
You explained while yawning and you heard a very obnoxious laugh behind you, so you turned around and immediately locked eyes with Monoma
"How pathetic, not everyone form Class A passes the exam. HA! You all think your all so perfect and you can't even do that right!"
Monoma laughed and a kind looking girl with orange hair karate chopped the back of his neck and he passed out
"Sorry about him"
She apologized and dragged him by the back of his collar onto their bus
You mumbled and Iida blew a whistle very loudly, making you drop spud and cover your ears
"Everyone, please get into two lines and we will board the bus in an orderly fashion!"
He yelled and Katsuki walked up to you, picking up spud and handing him back to you
"I should have brought my headphones"
You sighing while giving and unnaturally large yawn and when you stopped, you realized that you had made Katsuki yawn too
"Bitch, you made me yawn"
He said mid yawn and you giggled at his attempt to insult you, finding it very cute
You laughed while bridging off the dirt form spud, bringing him to your chest
"I actually made my mum yawn over the phone once"
You smiled, almost laughing at the memory
"Wooooow. Gold star for you"
He said sarcastically and you stuck your middle finger up at him, moving your hand to the side slowly
"Oh look, a bird is flying by"
You sassed and he looked at you confused, so you sighed and put your hand down
"I already taught you this. Giving the middle finger, is also called giving someone the bird"
You explained while you both walked onto the bus, ignoring Iida's instructions
"Oh yeah"
He remembered while talking the window seat and you sat next to him
"I wanted the window seat"
You pouted while getting your headphones out of your blazer pocket since you all were in uniform
"Well you still can sit here"
He smirked while parting his lap and you scoff at him
"In public? No thanks"
You scoffed and plugged in your headphones to your phone, turning on a podcast and offering him an earbud
"Worth a shot"
He shrugged while taking the earbud and putting it in his ear
"We'll be on the road for an hour, so find something too keep yourself busy for that time"
Mr Aizawa explained and there already was loud chatter swarming the bus, but you were distracted by the podcast so it didn't bother you too much
"Oh Y/N~"
Denki sang and you turned your head to face him
"Yes oh so sparky one"
You sighed and he smiled brightly at you
"I wanna hear about your life back in the UK!"
He yelled and caught the attention of most of your classmates, making them interested in n the conversation
"Are you sure?"
You asked and he nodded enthusiastically
"What do you wanna hear about specifically?"
You asked again and he thought for a moment before Ojiro interrupted him
"What about your previous school"
Ojiro suggested and you nodded, thinking back into your memories
"Well, where do I begin"
You smiled, tuning your body so your legs were in the middle lane of the bus, leaning on Katsuki's arm while listening to the podcast as you said story after story.

"She really did that?"
Kirishima asked and you nodded enthusiastically
"Yup! Every Friday, my friend Izzy would bend the middle prong of a fork to spite the head dinner lady, Mr Swift"
You said again and some people laugh at the ridiculous story
"And you wouldn't believe-"
"Everyone get off, leave all your belongings on the bus, your just going to stretch your legs"
Mr Aizawa interrupted and Katsuki handed back your earbud, you turned off the podcast and left your belongings on the bus, but bring spud with you
"L/N, can you leave ALL your belongings on the bus please"
Mr Aizawa said to you and you looked at him confused
"Why? If were just stretching our legs,  bringing him won't be a problem"
You explained and he was a about to say something when you interrupted him
"Knowing you, we aren't just stopping to stretch out legs, you have something planned"
You smirked at him whereas he sighed but gave you a small smile
"Very observant. Your right, I do have something planned, but I'm not saying anything"
He zipped up his lips and threw away the key which made you chuckle at him
"Can I just hand him to you when whatever you have planned, starts?"
You asked and he thought about it and nodded
"Why not"
He said and you walked off the bus, actually stretching your legs since they were stiff.
Mr Aizawa stood next to you and you were about to say something until someone beat you to it
"Heya, Eraser!"
A woman said, while getting out of a black car that just pulled up and you took a step closer to him, unsure about the new person you were about to meet
"Long time no see"
Mr Aizawa bowed and two women stepped out the car and stood infront of you all
"Your feline fantasies are here. Say 'Meow' "
The woman in pink said
"Purrfectly cute and catlike girls!"
The one on blue said and a younger boy got out of the back seat of the car, standing next to the two women
"You can call us, The Wild, Wild Pussycats!"
They both proclaimed in unison and you didn't really care for what they said, mainly focusing on the fact that they were dressed up as cats and the boy with a sour look on his face beside them
"We're the purrfect hero group that you little kittens will be working with while your at this summer camp"
The one in pink said and Midoriya started to ramble about their history, pretty much saying that they were old and the one in blue grabbed his face to shut him up
"I'm 18 at heart"
She said sternly and you chuckled dryly
"Everyone, say hello"
Mr Aizawa said and you all greeted them with a hearty 'Hello!', but you just looked at your feet, bouncing on the balls of your feet
"We own all this land out here. And you'll be staying at that camp"
The one in pink explained, pointing to the camp, which was very far away from where you all were
"Ahhh, I get it now"
You smiled and turned towards Mr Aizawa, who was already smirking but not looking at you
"I'm afraid, your training has already begun"
Mr Aizawa smirked and the one in blue put her hands to the ground and practically throwing your classmates off the edge and down to the trees below you
"Kitties who don't make it back by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"
The one in pink yelled and Mr Aizawa tapped your shoulder
"I think you should join them"
He said and you handed him spud and walked to the edge, standing on the metal bar that was supposed to keep people safe, and you turned around to face Mr Aizawa, the two women and the small boy who looked back at you, but this time he didn't have a scowl on his face
You saluted them and leaned backwards off the railing, falling down to where your classmates were, but you landed on a cloud whereas they landed on th ground
"Since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want. Have fun!"
The pink one yelled over the bar you just jumped from, and when you turned to look at your classmates, Mina was stomping towards you
"What took you so long?!"
Mina streaked and you smiled at her
"I'm just different"
She was about to reply when there was a loud shreek, making you all turn to face where the noise came from
Mineta yelled and a huge beast ran towards you all, but Katsuki exploded the beast and everyone started to cheer, but you were still on your cloud, so you floated next to Katsuki
"Don't get to excited, there is still more"
You pointed out and you dispersed the cloud below you and made cloud wings instead. You and Katsuki took a fighting stance
"Let's have some fun!"
You yelled and charged at the beasts infront of you all, prepared for a fight.

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