Over A Year

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As the weeks go by, it keeps getting colder and colder, winter is here, the days get shorter, the nights get longer, and Katsuki won't stop complaining.

"It's fucking cold"
Katsuki grumbled while you both walked back to the dorms from school, a light dusting of snow that fell earlier had covered the ground.

Katsuki was wearing a large puffer jacket, a thick scarf around his neck, a hat on his head, gloves on his hands while in his pockets, the bastard even had a heating pad in his jacket, yet he's still complaining.

"I know it's fucking cold, it's winter you fool"
You retort, wearing fluffy grey earmuffs instead of your noise cancelling headphones, as well as a scarf you made and a hoodie underneath your blazer, but you had Otis in your bag since your hands were in your pockets.

Katsuki mumbled something under his breath before nuzzling deeper into his coat, and you couldn't help but laugh at how stupid, yet cute he looked.

"Don't laugh at me"
He hissed and you stuck your tongue out at him.

"And what are you gonna go to stop me?"
You challenged and he quickly reached out and grabbed your waist and lifted you into his arms.

Your legs wrapped around his waist as you arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close to you as he had one hand on your back and the other was holding your thigh.

"Your so warm...."
You say in a satisfactory tone as he continued to carry you back to the dorms.

"I'm not warm, I'm bloody freezing"
He said with a small smile then kissed your cheek.

"But your warming me up nicely"
He mumbled and rested his chin on your shoulder.

When you got back to the dorms there are a few people in the common room, including Mina and Kirishima who are snuggled up together on one of the sofas, and you look over at Mina.

"Are you being used as a human hot water bottle too?"
You ask and she nodded, and Kirishima held her tighter.

"You said you wanted to cuddle..."
Kirishima said softly and Mina chuckled softly.

"I do want to cuddle, but remember you said that you wanted to cuddle because you were cold"
Mina said back to Kirishima and Katsuki took his phone out of his pocket and took a photo of the two of them and went into the boys lift.

"Why did you take a photo of them?"
You asked and he kissed your forehead a few times.

"Because I knew that he would be disappointed if he didn't have a photo"
He answered and your heart melted, hugging him tighter.

"Your such a good friend to Kirishima"
You smile softly and he scoffed, walking out of the lift and to his dorm.

"He's not my friend"
Katsuki said defensively, and you buried your face in his neck.

"Yeah, he's your best friend"
You tease and he opened his dorm room door and placed you on your feet.

"Shut up, you brat"
He said with a smirk and started to shed his many layers of warm clothing.

You watched in amazement as he takes off two coats, two sets of fluffy socks, which were yours, his thick scarf, his hat and gloves.

"What the fuck Katsuki"
You say with amazement in your voice and he just raises and eyebrow at you, unbuttoning his school shirt.

"What? I was cold"
He said in a defensive tone while taking off his school shirt and walked over to his wardrobe to get out some casual clothes to wear.

"You literally have a heating quirk, what can't you use that?"
You said while leaning sitting his bed watching him walk around the room, eyes drawn to his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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