The Bakugo household

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You were standing in the doorway of Bakugo's house and you were freaking out. Why you ask cause 1. Bakugo called you his friend 2. It was very loud in this household and 3. You felt very out of place here.
So you had one hand clenched tightly, lightly hitting your chest and holding Otis tightly with the other hand.

"Huh, you were at a friend's house? I thought they you didn't have friends"
The woman said while walking out of the kitchen.
She took one look at you and ran at you, engulfing you into a big hug. And not to be rude, but you weren't in the right mindset for a bear hug at this moment in time. She let go of you and held your shoulders.
"Oh Katsuki, I didn't know you had friends, LET ALONE A GIRLFRIEND!!!"
She yelled, and you flinched, which she noticed and let you go. You bowed at her.
"In sorry miss, but I'm not your son's girlfriend, I am the friend who's house he was at today"
You voice was shaking, cause this was getting to be too much for you.
"Oh it's fine, I'm just got a bit ahead of myself. The brat has never brought a friend over before, let alone a girl. Oh and I'm Mitsuki"
You stood up straight before lowering your hand from hitting your chest, still clenching your hand though.
"I'm L/N Y/N, but please call me Y/N"
You said while smiling, and she definitely returned it.

"Okay that's enough! Just go back to whatever you were doing you old hag, leave us alone"
Bakugo said, and you mentally thanked him for dealing with the situation
"Whatever brat. Oh make yourself at home dear"
Mrs Bakugo said before walking away back into the kitchen
"You good?"
Bakugo asked you
"Kinda, it's just a new environment that I'm not use to. And it's loud"
You said the last part quietly, knowing that this bit will be difficult for this family
"Well shit...this was a mistake bringing you here"
He mumbled, and you unclenched you hand and waved it out in front of you
"No, no, no. I can manage, it is good to do things that are outside my comfort zone. Cause I can't be a hero if I can't handle loud noises, can I?"
You said with a smile, and his face softend a bit. But then he did something that you never thought in a million years that he would do. He put his hand in your head and ruffled your hair. And you malfunctioned, most likely blushing like an idiot.

You were sat on the sofa with a glass of water in one hand and Otis in the other. Bakugo was sat next to you talking about random rubbish when someone with spikey brown hair walked into the room, and he immediately looked at you.
"Oh hello, I'm Masaru. And you are?"
The man asked you, holding his hand out towards you
"Hello sir, I'm a friend of your son. L/N Y/N. But you can just call me Y/N"
You said and his face lit up
"My, my. A friend of Katsuki's, he doesn't bring people round often. Actually, your the first friend he has ever brought over"
He said calmly, and his words definitely surprised you, but you were still smiling either way
He yelled out, causing you to flinch. Both Masaru and Bakugo saw you flinch and took a mental note to keep their voices down
"Katsuki, do you mind keeping you voice down, please"
Masaru asked nicely. And you realized that Bakugo didn't get his temper form his did, that's for sure
Bakugo said quietly, was it because he possibly felt bad? Probably not.

You were sat on the sofa when Mitsuki called everyone to dinner. You were still holding Otis tightly, but made your to the table with everyone else, and Mitsuki handed you a plate of food. And it looked like it was made by bloody Gordon Ramsay himself.
"This looked grand Mitsuki, thank you for having me over on such short notice"
You said while smiling at her, and she beamed right back at you
"It's no problem dear, your always welcome here"
She said back to you, and you all started eating. It was a very nice meal, it was just a traditional Christmas dinner, but it tasted just like your grandma's Christmas dinner, and that filled you with joy.

"If you don't mind me asking, but where are your parents dear?"
Mitsuki asked you and you froze a little
"Umm, well you see the thing is that I'm from the UK, and my parents can't afford an apartment for the three of us. So I'm currently living alone"
You explained, feeling slightly uncomfortable
"Oh I'm so sorry my dear, that must be so hard for you"
She said sympathetically, and this made you realize your mistake of dampening the mood
"I'm sorry for dampening the mood, I'm actually autistic, so I don't think before speaking sometimes, and that usually ends with me being a fun sponge"
You said rubbing the back of your neck
"I-Im sorry, your a what?"
Masaru asked you obviously confused
"A fun sponge, a person that soaks up all the fun, like a sponge"
You explained, and Mitsuki and Bakugo looked at each other and just burst out laughing
Bakugo was keeled over in laughed, and by just looking at him made you burst out laughing too
"Oh shut up you! It makes scene!"
You yelled back laughing with him
"But it's just so stupid!"
He was now crying with laughter at this point, and you were on the verge of tears
"Well, I guess you aren't much of a fun sponge dear cause look how much you and Katsuki are laughing"
Mitsuki said, and you realized that she was right
"Yeah, I guess your right"
You said smiling at her and Bakugo, before resuming eating the food.

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