Work Study's

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You all enjoy the rest of the festival as a large group and returned back to the dorms and decided to have a whole class sleepover in the common room, and you all watched moves, played games, and just generally having a good time till Mr Aizawa turned up and yelled at you all for being too loud and you all apologized and went to sleep.

And the next morning in school, you all had another little lecture from Mr Aizawa but he sighed and looked up at you all.

"The hero work study's are a more intense version or your internships. And at the faculty meeting we all agreed that it's too soon, and they should be cancelled"
Mr Aizawa said and there was a few seconds of silence before the class erupted into shocked charter.

Katsuki slammed his hands on his desk and gave a hearty 'HA', obviously chuffed that no one would be doing the work study's and not just him and Todoroki not participating in them.

"But, if we didn't do the work study's, we wouldn't be raising the strong heros that generations to come need. So we are being selective about this and only go to an agency with a good track record, otherwise you won't be participating"
Mr Aizawa said and Katsuki set off a few unexpected explosions which made you flinch.

"Now that this is out of the way, let's get onto the lesson"
Mr Aizawa sighed and turned around, getting into his sleeping bag and letting the class get on with some studying, homework, or whatever is needing to get done.

When it was lunch, Ochaco and Tsu was called to the principals office and that stirred up some heated gossip with your squad, making up theories why they were called to the principles office.

"I think that they did something scan-do-lus"
You said and your table laughed and Mina snapped her fingers quickly.

"Or maybe they did something that was against the school rules"
Mina suggested and you took a bite of your food.

"Ooooooor, they could have stolen something"
Denki suggested and Katsuki scoffed, making you all look at him.

"Haven't you thought that they did nothing wrong and just called in to talk"
Katsuki said and you groaned, slumping against his arm.

"Fuuuuuuun sponnnnnnge"
You sang and there was a little jingle that represent there will be a tannoy announcement.

"Apologies for the interruption, but can Kirishima Ejiro and L/N Y/N come to the principles office as soon as possible please"
The tannoy said and Mina, Sero and Denki all said 'Ooooooooo' and when you sat up, Katsuki smirked at you.

He said and you rolled your eyes, quickly finishing your lunch before putting your headphones on your head and putting your tray away.

Walking back over to the table and picking up your bag and Otis, and walked with Kirishima to the principles office.

"So what do you think this is about?"
Kirishima asked and you shrugged.

"I don't remember killing anyone this week, so I'm not sure"
You said nonchalantly and Kirishima laughed, making you smile a little.

"Well, let's go and find out"
Kirishima smiled and knocked on the principles door, and when principal Nezu said that it was alright to come in, Kirishima opened the door and you both walked in, and you saw Amajiki sat at principal Nezu's desk.

"Ah, L/N and Kirishima, please, take a seat"
Principal Nezu said enthusiastically and you both took a seat next to Amajiki and noticed that he was wearing your headphones.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why have you called us in here?"
Kirishima asked and principal Nezu gestured to Amajiki.

"It's not me who wanted to talk to you, it's Amajiki here"
Principal Nezu said and Amajiki, who was looking at his feet, looked up at the two of you.

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