The start of the sports festival

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You were Rudely awoken the next morning by a sharp pain in you neck. You quickly opened your eyes and moved your good arm to feel your neck, but some fluffy hair was preventing you from reaching your neck
"From now on, you are not sleeping in the same bed as me"
You grumbled and got out of bed
"WHAT?! WHY?!"
Katsuki yelled and you turned around giving him an 'Are you serious' look
"You know exactly what you've done. You vampire"
You said and he stood up and walked infront of you getting very close to your ear
"You know you love it"
He whispered before onece again, going for your neck
"I do, but I don't like to be woken up by it"
You said while grabbing his hair and pulling him away from your neck
"Fine by me, doll"
He said while walking away to open the curtains. You silently walked up behind him and decided to get some payback, so you started biting and sucking his neck
"W-What do you think your doing?"
He stuttered and you smirked into his neck. When you pulled away, there was a slightly purple mark on his neck
"Payback. And we match now"
You said while walking away with a skip in your step. You walked downs and grabbed your uniform from and went to the bathroom to change.

You were sat on the sofa with your bag and Otis on your lap while you waited for Katsuki to be ready to leave and head of to school. When he walked into the living room he had a sour look on his face
"Don't look so sad mi amor"
You said slyly, rollong your R's. He just rolled his eyes, but there was till a small smile on his face
"Let's go. We'll beat the crowds if we leave now anyway"
He said offering a hand for you to take, you took his hand and he pulled you to your feet
"Probably best if we get there early cuz I can get recovery girl to heal my arm"
You suggested and he nodded. You were a few steps ahead of him, and when he caught up to you, he put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back to walk in line with him
"Don't walk ahead of me. At least walk in line with me"
He said while putting his arm around your shoulder. You put Otis on a cloud and you put your now free hand on his
"Do you think- Ooooooooooooo look at butterfly- anyway. Do you think that we are doing hero training today?"
You questioned and he looked at you with a disappointed face
"You didn't take your medication did you?"
He didn't even need to ask the question, cause he already knew the answer
"What makes you think that?"
You guiltily questioned and he just raised an eyebrow at you, and you caved
"Yeah I didn't take it, I would have but I ran out. I called the pharmacy and I am going to pick it up on Monday, which is three days away"
You explained while sighing
"Doesn't matter, I guess I'll just have to get one of those toddler harnesses to keep you from wander off"
He laughed and you should have felt insulted, but it was just too funny to feel insulted
"Fair point"
You both laughed together, joking the whole way to school.

"I'm goin' to recovery girl's office"
You said as Katsuki opens the classroom door
"I'm commin' with"
He said following you to recovery girl's office
"I hope she can get this bastard cast of my arm. I can't even crochet with this shit on"
You complained and he hummed in agreement
"You don't really care do you?"
You asked while turning your head to look at him and he pulled his lips into a line and slowly shook his head side to side
"To be honest, I wouldn't care either. Like if a teacher or someone in our class died, I would care cuz I know them personally. But if some person from another class died, I wouldn't care cuz I don't know them. And believe me, it's a horrible way of thinking, but I can't help it you know"
You rambled on. And when you realized you had been rambling you went red and put your head down
You apologized. You realized that you were outside recovery girl's office so you reached out to knock on the door when Katsuki grabbed your rist and spun you around to face him and he kissed you
"Don't apologize. And honestly, I am the same as you, I wouldn't care either"
Katsuki reassured after pulling away. You smiled at him sweetly and you turned back around to face the door and gave it a fairly loud knock.

"Come in!"
Recovery girl yelled from inside the room and you opened the door for both you and Katsuki to walk in
"Ahhh, L/N, come to fix that broken arm of yours?"
She asked sweetly and you nodded
"If it's no trouble miss"
You said and she stood up from her swivel chair and was now walking towards you
"My, my, my. I haven't heard that title in a while, you can just call me recovery girl dearie"
She said with a smile then she used her quirk on your arm. When she was done you took your arm out of your sling and she cut the cast
"Does it feel better now?"
She asked and you needed enthusiastically
"Thank you so much mi- Recovery girl!"
You exclaimed and she walked back to her desk
"You will feel drowsy since I used your energy to quicken then healing process, but you don't seem drowsy at all"
She pondered and you looked at her confidently
"I'd like to say my ADHD is keeping me energized, but that's probably not the case. Thank you again recovery girl! Have a good rest of your day!"
You said waving at her while you and Katsuki walked out of her office
"Damn, no one's even here yet"
You stated and Katsuki looked out of the window
"There is only a couple people outside"
Katsuki said walking back to you
"Well at least the classroom will be quiet for a bit"
You suggested looking on the bright side, grabbing Otis back off the cloud that he was happily sitting on.

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