After the School Festival

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As you all for back to the festival, it was around 11:45 AM, and they boys dragged you, Mina and Katsuki to the food stalls to try some of the food that other years and classes have decided to go for as their participation in the festival, and you weren't really paying attention to what was going on around you and was zoned out till Katsuki tapped your shoulder and brought you back to reality to try some Takoyaki that he had in his hand, and you ever very hesitant to eat it since you have never had Takoyaki before, but you eventually tried it and it was really nice.

There was a haunted house in the 2C classroom, and Denki was so desperate to go in to and prove himself, that the rest of you followed him in to see how scared he was, and Denki ended up being carried out by Sero. But he wasn't the only scared one, it was Katsuki too, and he from afar, it looked like he was protecting you from something, but infact he didn't want to get sperated from you because he was scared shitless and didn't want to be left alone in there.

By this time, your social battery was just below half, and you kept a happy and enthusiastic face on, but you felt tied and started to keep quiet and only spoke unless spoken too.

Everything past 2:30 PM you weren't paying attention since your social battery was low, just going along with your friends and still acting fine with a smile, but it was smaller than before and you were not talking unless necessary, and they noticed this, and tried to make things fun for you, but you weren't bothered whatever you did.

When it was sunset, Midoriya found you and told you that Eri was leaving now and she wanted to say goodbye, so you left your friends and walked with Midoriya to the front gate where Eri was waiting with Togata. You kneeled down infront of a smiling Eri and gave her a tired smile.

"Did you have fun today sweetie pie?"
You asked sleepily and she nodded enthusiastically, smiling even brighter at you.

"It was so much fun!"
Eri exclaimed but then her face fell a little bit.

"But there wasn't any of those sweet apples..."
She said slightly sadly when Midoriya crouched down next to you and showed her a caramel apple, the one that she was so excited to try.

Midoriya smiled and handed it to Eri who excitedly tried it and her reaction to trying it just melted your heart, she looked so precious.

"How does it taste sweetie pie?"
You asked, and she jumped up and down out of excitement.

"It's better than I expected!"
Eri smiled brightly at you and Togata ruffled her hair.

"It's time to go now Eri"
Togata said softly and Eri handed the caramel apple to Togata before giving you a hug, and you hugged her back before hugging Midoriya and then going over to Togata, taking the caramel apple of Togata and leaving with him, waving at the two of you as they left.

Eri exclaimed and when they were out of view, you looked over at Midoriya and lightly punched him on the shoulder.

"I'm so glad you remembered, I completely forgot"
You said quietly with a small smile on your face and he laughed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"There wasn't a place to buy caramel apples, so I made one just a few minutes ago"
He said and you stood up and stretched, before sighing.

"I better get fat back to the others, see you at dinner tonight Midoriya"
You said and left to go back to your group, Midoriya going back to his group of friends.

Your group got back to the dorms at like, 6:30 PM, and your social battery was in the negatives at this point, and not even talking to anyone, and Katsuki knew something was up, but since you weren't speaking, you couldn't tell him what was wrong, and as soon as the doors to the dorm were open, it was loud and overwhelming, and you didn't know where to go.

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