The day off

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When you woke up the next morning, you and Katsuki were still in the same positions you fell asleep in. But the only difference was that your hand was now on his shoulder instead of his hair. You turned your head to the side and checked the time on the digital clock on the bedside table, the time read 8:38 AM. You didn't think that it was a bad time to wake up, so you just left Katsuki asleep instead of waking him up. You brought your had back to his hair and started stroking it again, admiring how soft it is concerning it's spiky appearance. You started humming the little tune that your parents would sing to you.
You kept on humming the tune for a minute or so when Katsuki shifted next to you, making you stop humming and look at him
"I know that song..."
He mumbled quietly and you smiled at him
"I Love You Baby. By Frank Sinatra. My parents sing it to me"
You said quietly and he turned to look at you
You said looking at him
He replied back and you chucked a bit at his also dry response.

"You know, your hair is very soft. It pretty"
You said while stroking his hair, he looked away from you, obviously blushing at your compliment
"I'm not pretty. I'm handsome. If anything, you're pretty"
He said and he went bright red and shoved his face into your stomach. You couldn't help but laugh at his embarrassment
"It's fine, I know you didn't mean it"
You reassured moving your hand to stroke his hair
"But you are pretty"
He mumbled into your stomach. Your face flares up wondered if you had heard him right
"What did you say?"
You asked him, he turned his head to face you
"Nothing. It doesn't matter"
He said and you smiled back at him. You moved your arm from his head and opened it up, inviting him for a scoop like last night. He sat up and moved your arm out of the way before he laid back down and opened out his own arm, inviting you to scoop instead. You smiled at his silent effort to give you a hug and happily accepted the gesture, snuggling into his chest.

"Your warm...and squishy"
You mumbled and Katsuki looked at you with a pizzles look
"I'm what?"
He questioned and you looked up at him with a smile
"Your warm cause of your quirk, and even though your muscly, your still soft. A good pillow"
You put your face into his chest and taking in a deep breath
"And you smell nice"
You mumbled. He sighed and started playing with your hair
"You have a weird way with words"
He mumbled
"Well you'll have to be my translator cause for some reason, you know exactly what I'm trying to say"
You replied and Katsuki didn't say anything more, just stroking your hair while you lay in his chest.

You both laid like that for a while, you were humming another tune, and for some reason, it was another song about love.
"What song are you humming?"
Katsuki asked you after a while
"Just the two of us"
You mumbled, blushing cause the two songs that you hummed were about love
"Do you like someone or something? Cause that's all you seemed to be thinking about"
Katsuki stated and you really got thinking. Is there someone on your mind? Is there someone you like? And if there is, who is it? Is it someone you know? What if-
"Hellooooooo, cloud for brains, you back now?"
Katsuki Obnoxiously said, bringing you back to reality
"Huh? What was the question?"
You asked looking up at him. He rolled his eyes
"I said it there someone on your mind that you like?"
He said again and you sat up stretching
"Well I can't really humm Rapgod, and I know that these songs are slow and easy to humm"
You answered and he shrugged, sitting up and getting out of bed
"I'm going to get ready. We can go to your place in a bit of you want to get some clean clothes"
Katsuki offers and you nodded, standing up
"Yeah that's a good idea, cause I can't stay in your clothes forever, even though they're very comfortable"
You said, picking Otis up from the floor and dusting him off
"We'll go in half an hour"
He said walking out of the room to get ready for the day.

You looked at Otis who was in your lap
"Do I like someone? And if I do, who is it?"
You muttered to yourself, digging deep into your brain to try and figure this predicament out.
You sat there in silence trying to think but couldn't think of anything, so with a sigh, you stood up and grabbed your phone off the bedside table and walked downstairs. And in your jukebox mind you were singing the mission impossible theme tune, you were acting stealthy going down the stairs
"Dun dun duhduh, dun dun duhduhduh"
You sung as you made it to the bottom of the stairs. You made a cloud and sat Otis on top of it and with your now free hand, you made a cloud gun. It could shoot, but harmless cloud bullets that just went through anyone if you 'shot' someone
"Dunuh dunuh dunuh, dun dun du- JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST!"
You were scared shitless when you entered the living room to be met with Katsuki sitting on the sofa. He was practically pissing herself laughing
You exclaimed and shot him with your cloud gun and it made a little pop wherever you fired it.

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