Attack on the USJ

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"This can't be happening!"
Uraraka squealed and you walked towards her, putting your hands on her shoulders
"You need to calm down, everything is going to be alright, we're gonna be okay"
You said calmly and she managed to act less frantic.
"Hello, we're the league of villains. We thought that it would be a good idea to invite ourselves into your lesson today, and hopefully this is where All Might will take his final breath"
The purple mist appeared infront of the whole group. You went listening to his speech, but were stealthily using a cloud to get a full 360 view of the purple matter ahead. You noticed that there was a metal brace in the center of the matter, but before you could even do anything with the information, Katsuki and Kirishima quickly jumped in and attacked the villain. You knew that it wouldn't work since that it was practically made out of mist, so it couldn't be harmed.

The smoke from Katsuki's explosion cleared to see the purple mist unharmed, but the neck brace was now visible and he was wearing a suit
"Foolish move children, someone could have gotten hurt. I would like you to meet my comrades, so why don't I disperse you to meet them"
And the purple mist engulfed the whole entire group, and it was almost like you were suffocating. And the next thing you knew, you were thrown onto a tilled floor, when you landed, you heard two other people land as well. So you looked up to see Katsuki and Kirishima on the floor, you all stood up and looked around when you realized that there was a large group of villains surrounding you.
"Oh fuck me with a chainsaw"
You said, catching the attention of Kirishima and Katsuki, and when they saw all the villains they took a fighting stance
"Finally, I've been ticing for a real fight"
Katsuki said maliciously and one of the villains ran straight towards you aiming to punch you in the face.
You made yourself cloud so the first went straight through you, and you quickly grabbed the villains other arm and flipped him over onto his back, quickly making a bat out of cloud and hitting him over the head, knocking him out. You stood up straight and looked at Kirishima's and Katsuki's shocked faces and you had an evil smirk on your face
"Let's have some fun lads. This is our chance to let loose"
You said turning back the the villains, twirling the cloud bat, and just as you said, you let loose.

One by one, the villains charges at the three of you and you all defeated them with esse. Katsuki with his explosions, Kirishima with his hardening quirk, and you with your cloud's. You were like the dream team.
"Weak. The lot of them"
Katsuki said, and you looked over at him, and saw that there was still one more villain who had a camouflage quirk was on the wall above Katsuki, ready to ambush him. You made cloud come out of the wall around him and preventing him from moving, and you threw the cloud bat at his head and he went limp, so you dropped him to the ground. You looked back at Katsuki
"Well I wouldn't say all weak, but definitely nothing special to remember"
You said wiping your bloody nose since it got punched earlier, and Katsuki blushed, looking away form you
"We should get going and help the rest of the class"
Kirishima said and you thought that this would be the best time to tell them what you figured out about the warp guy
"If we are going to help everyone else, I know how we can defeat the warp guy that you attacked earlier. He had a neck brace on, so that must mean that he has a body somewhere in that mist. So all we have to do is go for the neck brace"
You explained and they both looked at you with administration
"Well then, we have a plan. Let's get going team!"
Kirishima exclaimed, hardening the skin on his forearms and hands, hitting his fists together. You made your way to the window and you smashed it with the cloud bat. You climbed up to the now broken window and jumped from it
Katsuki yelled, and both him and Kirishima ran to the window and looked down to see you laying on your back with your arms above your head, with a cheesy smile on your face
"Well. What are you waiting for you princesses. Jump"
You said and looked Katsuki directly in the eyes
"Don't worry, I'll catch you"
You said and he went bright red, quickly jumping into your cloud, and just like you promised, you caught him. Kirishima quickly followed his action and jumped too
"Wow, this is surprisingly comfortable!"
Kirishima said happily, and you got onto your knees and directed the cloud to the center of the building
"You said that as well, didn't you Katsuki?"
You questioned and he clicked his tongue, not answering your question.

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