Power Moves

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"Why are you so useless?"
Sero spat at you, and your whole class was backing you into a corner
"Like, can you do anything right?"
Denki laughed and whenever you tried to scream, shout, or even talk, you couldn't
"You don't deserve anything"
Mina said coldy getting in your face
"We should have never saved you from the league of villains, actually, they should have killed you"
There was venom lacing Kirishima's voice, then Katsuki stepped forward, hatred in his eyes
"You were right, I never fucking loved you, infact, you don't even deserve to be a hero"
Laughter. You were being surrounded by your classmates and they were all laughing at you.

You screamed this time and it worked, but you didn't realize that it was a dream and you were screaming out loud, you looked around you and realized that you were in your dorm room, and Luna was cowering in your wool cupboard that you had forgot to close.
You rubbed your eyes and found out that you had tears streaming down your face
"Do they really hate me?"
You asked yourself and got out of bed and checked the time on your phone. 6:13 AM
"I might as well get ready for the day"
You said to yourself and slowly got ready for the day.

Slowly, you sipped the hot chocolate that you had made this morning, and you were sat on one of the sofas in the common area.
You had let Luna out to go to the toilets since she was previously a stray she was used to going to the toilet outside, and you didn't wasn't her using the new carpet as her toilet, but now she was sat on your lap, curled up like a cinnamon bun, purring softly, and Otis was next to you.
You were just enjoying the silence that came with your noise cancelling headphones when someone walked around the sofa and sat next to you.

"Why do you have a cat?"
Katsuki asked and you shrugged
"You were right, I never fucking loved you, infact, you don't even deserve to be a hero"
A small voice in the back of your head sad but you masked your sadness and answered his question
"Found her yesterday and Mr Aizawa said I could keep her"
You said and took another sip of the hot chocolate
He asked and you smiled
You answered and he reached a hand out to stroke the cat, and you could see the pure joy in his eyes when Luna started purring
"Soft. It makes my hands feel nice"
He said to no one in particular and your face fell slightly, thinking back to what Denki said last night, and Katsuki noticed your change in mood.

"What's up?"
He asked while shuffling closer to you and warping his arm around your shoulders, rubbing your arm as a sign of reassurance
"Is it bad I'm autistic?"
You asked quietly and he took your drink and put it on the table next to him
"No, it's not"
He answered and you felt a single tear roll down your cheek. You sniffled and he gently tapped Luna so she jumped off your lap and sat next to you instead.
He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you and rocking you lightly
"Did someone say someone say something to you?"
He asked and you shook your head
"No one said anything, just me being paranoid"
You sniffled and he turned your head to face him
"There's no need to cry you know"
He said while wiping away the tears, and you looked down
"Did you get the note?"
You asked quietly and he pinched both your cheeks
"Yeah I did, and your to cute"
He cooed and you heard the lift ding, making him let go of your face
"L/N, Bakugo, I'm glad that you two are up early"
Iida said enthusiastically and you both rolled your eyes
"I'm going to the shops"
You said and stood up, Luna getting up with you, shocking Iida
"Why is there a cat in the dorms?"
He asked and you turned to him with a confused expression
"What cat?"
You asked and and Iida pointed to the cat sat at your feet
"Okay, you don't have to make fun of me because I'm wearing cat slippers Iida"
You grumbled and turned to walk to the door
"I'm coming with, your acting crazy sonic"
Katsuki added while following you
"Now the cats following you two, do you seriously not see it?"
Iida was very confused, you and Katsuki put your school shoes on and walked out the door, but you left the door open just long enough so that Luna followed you both out
"Hehe, nailed it"
You laughed to yourself, and Katsuki wrapped his arms around your shoulder
"Of course we did"
He smiled and you both walked to the corner shop, with Luna following you both.

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